Fall 2022
More syllabi for Fall 2022 will be posted as they become available.
Math 370 Introduction to Combinatorics -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Spring 2022
More syllabi for Spring 2022 will be posted as they become available.
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 495 Stochastic Processes -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Fall 2021
More syllabi for Fall 2021 will be posted as they become available.
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus -- Karl Schaefer (karls@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 131E Calculus I Extended -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Karl Schaefer (karls@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Walton Green (awgreen@wustl.edu)
Math 139A Applications of Mathematics -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 203 Honors Mathematics I -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Ben Wormleighton (benw@wustl.edu) & Victor Wickerhauser (victor@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Abigail Jager (jager@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Blake Thornton (bthornton@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Francesco Di Plinio (francesco.diplinio@wustl.edu)
Math 310 (Section 02) Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Abigail Jager (jager@wustl.edu)
Math 331 Algebraic Systems -- Ben Wormleighton (benw@wustl.edu)
Math 411 Introduction to Analysis -- Francesco Di Plinio (francesco.diplinio@wustl.edu)
Math 449 Numerical Applied Mathematics -- Donsub Rim (rim@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Debashis Mondal (mondal@wustl.edu)
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics -- Abigail Jager (jager@wustl.edu)
Math 497 Topics in Mathematics: Mathematical Geodesy -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 4971 Stochastic Differential Equations -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 5021 Complex Analysis -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 5031 Algebra I -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 5045 Geometry/Topology I: Algebraic Topology -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I -- Ari Stern (stern@wustl.edu)
Math 5071 Advanced Linear Models I -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Math 523 Computational Harmonic Analysis -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu
Math 597 Teaching Seminar -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 598 Mathematical Professional Development -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Spring 2021
More syllabi for Spring 2021 will be posted as they become available.
Math 1011 Introduction to Statistics -- Abigail Jager (jager@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Martha Precup (martha.precup@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Ben Wormleighton (benw@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Cooper Boniece (bcboniece@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 308 Math for Physical Sciences -- Walton Green (awgreen@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Humberto Diaz (humberto@wustl.edu)
Math 310W Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Laura Escobar Vega (laurae@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables -- Meric Augat (maugat@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Abigail Jager (jager@wustl.edu)
Math 322 Biostatistics -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor@wustl.edu)
Math 407 An Introduction to Differential Geometry -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis -- Merica Augat (maugat@wustl.edu)
Math 4121 Introduction to the Lebesgue Integral -- Steven Krantz (sk@math.wustl.edu)
Math 416 Complex Analysis -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 430 Algebra -- Mohan Neithalath (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Models -- Jose Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 450 Optimization Methods in Machine Learning -- Shuhao Cao (s.cao@wustl.edu)
Math 470 Analytic Combinatorics -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 495 Stochastic Processes -- Jose Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 5022 Complex Analysis II -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5032 Algebra II -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 5052 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis II -- Francesco Di Plinio (francesco.diplinio@wustl.edu)
Math 523 Topics in Analysis--Introduction to the Atiyah-Singer index theorem -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Fall 2020
More syllabi for Fall 2020 will be posted as they become available.
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus -- Karl Schaefer (karls@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 131E Calculus I Extended -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Karl Schaefer (karls@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Humberto Diaz (humberto@wustl.edu) and Brett Wick (wick@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Cooper Boniece (bcboniece@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Blake Thornton (bthornton@wustl.edu)
Math 302 Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of View -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Mohan Neithalath (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 4111 Introduction to Real Analysis -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 4111 Introduction to Real Analysis -- Michael Landry (mlandry@wustl.edu)
Math 4150 Partial Differential Equations -- Francesco Di Plinio (francesco.diplinio@wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 449 Numerical Applied Mathematics -- Shuahao Cao (s.cao@wustl.edu)
Math 456 Topics in Financial Mathematics -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor@wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computation -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Cooper Boniece (bcboniece@wustl.edu)
Math 496A Topics in Algebra: Matrix Groups -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 5021 Complex Analysis I -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5031 Algebra I -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 5045 Algebraic Topology -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 5047 Geometry and Topology III -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I -- Francesco Di Plinio (francesco.diplinio@wustl.edu)
Math 537 Topics in Algebra I: Algebraic Groups -- Martha Precup (martha.precup@wustl.edu)
Spring 2020
More syllabi for Spring 2020 will be posted as they become available.
Math 204 Honors Mathematics II -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Math 322 Biostatistics -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor@wustl.edu)
Math 4181 Topology II -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 5072 Advanced Linear Models II -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Fall 2019
More syllabi for Fall 2019 will be posted as they become available.
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus -- Bowei Zhao (b.zhao@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Blake Thornton and Francesco Di Plinio (bthornton@wustl.edu)
Math 139A Applications of Mathematics -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 203 Honors Mathematics I -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Greg Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Benjamin Cooper Boniece (bcboniece@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Michael Landry and Mohan Kumar (mlandry @wustl.edu) (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Tyler Bongers (tyler.bongers@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Nicholas Syring (nasyring@wustl.edu)
Math 331 Algebraic Systems -- Humberto Diaz (humberto@wustl.edu)
Math 371 Graph Theory -- Laura Escobar (laurae@wustl.edu)
Math 406 Stochastic Differential Equations -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computing -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 496A Topics in Algebra, Combinatorial Optimization -- Laura Escobar (laurae@wustl.edu)
Math 5031 Algebra I -- Martha Precup (martha.precup@wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I -- Soumendra Lahiri (s.lahiri@wustl.edu)
Math 5071 Advanced Linear Models I -- Soumendra Lahiri (s.lahiri@wustl.edu)
Math 519 Harmonic Analysis -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 539 Topics in Algebraic Geometry -- Kapil Paranjape (kapil@wustl.edu)
Spring 2019
More syllabi for Spring 2019 will be posted as they become available.
Math 131 Calculus I -- Lisa Kuehne (lmkuehne@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Liberty Vittert (liberty.vittert@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 350 Dynamics and Chaos -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 407 Introduction to Differential Geometry -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 4351 Number Theory and Cryptography -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 5022 Complex Analysis II -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 5043 Algebraic Topology -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 528 Mathematics of Quantum Theory -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Fall 2018
More syllabi for Fall 2018 will be posted as they become available.
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus -- Cody Stockdale (codystockdale@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Blake Thornton (bthornton@wustl.edu)
Math 139A Applications of Mathematics -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 203 Honors Mathematics I -- Mohan Kumar (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Tyler Bongers (tyler.bongers@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- John Shareshian (jshareshian@wustl.edu)
Math 302 Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of View -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Steven Krantz (sk@math.wustl.edu)
Math 310W Foundation for Higher Mathematics -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Laura Escobar Vega (laurae@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Nicholas Syring (nasyring@wustl.edu)
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis -- Martha Precup (martha.precup@wustl.edu)
Math 415 Partial Differential Equations -- Greg Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 429 Linear Algebra -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models -- Jose Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 461 Time Series Analysis -- Jose Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 470 Analytic Combinatorics -- Greg Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computing -- Nicholas Syring (nasyring@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Silas Johnson (silas@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Liberty Vittert (liberty.vittert@wustl.edu)
Math 497 Linear Representations of Finite Groups & Lie Groups -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 5021 Complex Analysis -- Brett Wick (wick@math.wustl.edu)
Math 5031 Algebra I -- Yanli Song (yanlisong@wustl.edu)
Math 5041 Geometry I -- Renato Feres (feres@wustl.edu)
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I -- Yasha Berchenko Kogan (yasha@wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Spring 2018
Math 1011 Introduction to Statistics -- Cezareo Rodriguez (cezareo.rodriguez@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Brett Wick (bwick@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 204 Honors Mathematics II -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Yanli Song (yanlisong@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro@wustl.edu)
Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences -- Yasha B. Kogan (yasha@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Michael Hartz (mphartz@wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis -- Cody Stockdale & Tian Wang (codystockdale@wustl.edu, tianwang@wustl.edu)
Math 4121 The Lebesgue Integral -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 4181 Topology II -- Patricio Gallardo (pgallardocandela@wustl.edu)
Math 430 Modern Algebra -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Models -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Math 5052 Measure Theory& Functional Analysis II -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5062 Theory in Statistics II -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Math 522 Topics in Complex Variables II -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 538 Topics in Algebra II -- Mohan Kumar (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 544 Topics in Geometry & Manifold Theory II -- Steven Frankel (steven.frankel@wustl.edu)
Fall 2017
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus -- Cody Stockdale (codystockdale@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Blake Thornton (bthornton@wustl.edu) & Yasha Berchenko-Kogan (yasha@wustl.edu)
Math 139A Applications of Mathematics -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 203 Honors Mathematics I -- Xiang Tang (xtang@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Steven Krantz (sk@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability & Statistics -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro@wustl.edu)
Math 310/310W Foundations of Higher Mathematics -- Mohan Kumar (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 331 Algebraic Systems -- Patricio Gallardo (pgallardocandela@wustl.edu)
Math 416 Complex Analysis -- John McCarthy (mccarthy@wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Patricio Gallardo (pgallardocandela@wustl.edu)
Math 429 Linear Algebra -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models -- Jose Figeroa-Lopez (figeroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 461 Time Series Analysis -- Jose Figeroa-Lopez (figeroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computing -- Nan Lin (nlin@wustl.edu)
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I -- Greg Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory in Statistics I -- Jimin Ding (jmding@wustl.edu)
Spring 2017
Math 1011 Introduction to Statistics -- Cody Stockdale (codystockdale@wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Christopher Cox (clcox@wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Ari Stern (stern@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Multivariable Calculus -- Steven Krantz (sk@math.wustl.edu)
Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro@wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics -- Jimin Ding (jmding@math.wustl.edu)
Math 370 Introduction to Combinatorics -- Christopher Cox (clcox@wustl.edu)
Math 407 An Introduction to Differential Geometry -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi@wustl.edu)
Math 430 Modern Algebra -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@math.wustl.edu)
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Models -- Nan Lin (nlin@math.wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics -- Nan Lin (nlin@math.wustl.edu)
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics -- Nan Lin (nlin@math.wustl.edu)
Math 5022 Complex Analysis II -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@wustl.edu)
Math 5052 Measure Theory & Functional Analysis II -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner@math.wustl.edu)
Math 507M Statistics for Medical and Public Health Researchers -- Jimin Ding (jmding@math.wustl.edu)
Math 523 Harmonic Analysis in the Complex Domain -- Steven Krantz (sk@math.wustl.edu)
Math 560 Topics in Topology -- Rachel Roberts (roberts@math.wustl.edu)
Fall 2016
Math 131 Calculus I -- Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Blake Thornton (bthornton@wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Yasha Berchenko-Kogan (yasha@wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability & Statistics -- Ed Spitznagel (ed@wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro@wustl.edu)
Math 302 Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of View -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Christopher Cox (ccox@math.wustl.edu)
Math 310 & 310W Foundations of Higher Mathematics -- Mohan Kumar (kumar@wustl.edu)
Math 415 Partial Differential Equations -- Michael Hartz (mphartz@math.wustl.edu)
Math 429 Linear Algebra -- Zhenghui Huo (huo@wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models -- Jose Figueroa Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computation -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner@wustl.edu)
Math 493 Probability -- Jose Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa-lopez@wustl.edu)
Math 523 Continuous and Dyadic Harmonic Analysis -- Brett Wick (wick@math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics & Data Analysis -- Ed Spitznagel (ed@wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology -- Yasha Berchenko-Kogan (yasha@wustl.edu)
Math 4351 Number Theory & Cryptography -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@math.wustl.edu)
Math 5021 Complex Analysis I -- Matt Kerr (matkerr@math.wustl.edu)
Math 5041 Geometry I -- Gregory Knese (geknese@wustl.edu)
Math 5051 Measure Theory & Functional Analysis I -- Brett Wick (wick@math.wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner@wustl.edu)
Spring 2016
Math 1011 Statistics -- Tian Wang (wt0821 "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 204 Honors Mathematics II -- John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Xuanyu Pan (pan "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Matt Kerr (matkerr "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Steven Krantz (sk "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to intermediate Statistics -- Figueroa-Lopez (figueroa "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 322 Biostatistics -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor "at" math,wustl.edu)
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 430 Modern Algebra -- Travis Li ( sli "at" math.wustl.edu )
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models -- Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 450 Topics in Applied Mathematics -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 460 Multivariate Statistical Analysis -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5022 Complex Analysis II -- Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5032 Algebra II -- Mohan Kumar (kumar "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II -- Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Fall 2015
Math 131 Calculus I -- Brett Wick (wick "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 203 Honors Mathematics I -- John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Travis Li (sli "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Jack Shapiro (jshapiro "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
The syllabus contains information about textbook requirements
Math 310 (310W) Foundations for Higher Mathematics -- Quo-Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Xuanyu Pan (pan "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics -- Edward Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 331 Algebraic Systems -- Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis -- Quo-Shin Chi, (chi "at " math.wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 449 Numerical Applied Mathematics -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu
Math 456 Financial Mathematics -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu
Math 493 Probability -- Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5021 Complex Analysis I -- Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5031 Algebra I -- Mohan Kumar (kumar "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I -- Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 507M Statistics for Medical and Public Health Researchers -- Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 539 Algebraic Cycles and Representation Theory -- Matt Kerr (matker "at" math.wustl.edu)
Spring 2015
Math 1011 Statistics -- Yifei Li (yifei.li "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 109 Mathematics and Music -- David Wright (wright "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations -- Xuanyu Pan (pan "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 266 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers -- Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III -- Steven Krantz (sk "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences -- Quo Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Quo Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Matrh 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Songhao (Travis) Li (sli "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics -- Jimin Ding (jmding "at" wustl.edu
Math 322 Biostatistics -- Victor Wickerhauser (victor "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration -- Edward Wilson (enwilson "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I -- Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models -- Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 450 Topics in Applied Mathematics -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics -- Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5043 Algebraic Topology -- Songhao (Travis) Li (sli "at" math.wustl.edu
Math 5052 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis II -- Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner "at" math.wustl.edu)
(within the 5061 syllabus from FL2014)
Math 521 Dirichlet Series -- John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
MAth 597 Teaching Seminar -- John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
Fall 2014
Math 131 Calculus I -- Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II -- Sections 1-2: Jack Shapiro (jshapiro "at" math.wustl.edu)
-- Sections 3-4: Mohan Kumar (kumar "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 302 Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of View -- Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra -- Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables -- Xuanyu Pan (pan "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics -- Ed Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 415 Partial Differential Equations -- Quo Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models -- Ed Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 449 Numerical Applied Mathematics -- Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computation -- Ed Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5041 Geometry I -- Songhao (Travis) Li, (sli "at" math.wustl.edu )
Math 5051 Meansure Theory and Functional Analysis I -- Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I -- Todd Kuffner (kuffner "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 597 Teaching Seminar -- John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
Spring 2014
Math 109 Mathematics and Music - David Wright (wright "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 217 Differential Equations - Steven Krantz (sk "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics - Songhao (Travis) Li (sli "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III - Matt Kerr (matkerr "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 266 Mathematics for Elementary Schools Teachers - Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration - Mohan Kumar (kumar "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4181 Topology II - Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models - Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics - Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics- Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II - Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 515 Partial Differential Equations - Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Fall 2013
Math 100 Foundations for Calculus - Chris Cox (ccox "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 131 Calculus I - John McCarthy (mccarthy "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 132 Calculus II - Jack Shapiro (jshapiro "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics - Edward Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 309 Matrix Algebra - Greg Knese (geknese "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics (and
310W, "with Writing") - John Shareshian (shareshi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables - Songhao (Travis) Li (sli "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics - Edward Spitznagel (ed "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 331 Algebraic Systems - Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis - Mohan Kumar (kumar "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4171 Topology I - Ron Freiwald (rf "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 429 Linear Algebra - Quo-Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models - Todd Kuffner (kuffner "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 456 Topics in Financial Mathematics - Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 475 Statistical Computation - Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I - Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Summer 2013
Math 2200 Elementary Probability and Statistics - Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 109 Mathematics and Music - David Wright (wright "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 233 Calculus III - Rachel Roberts (roberts "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 266 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers - Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 308 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences - Quo Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics - Steven Krantz (sk "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 318 Calculus of Several Variables - Steven Krantz (sk "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 322 Biostatistics - Victor Wickerhauser (victor "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 407 Introduction to Differential Geometry - Quo Shin Chi (chi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration - Victor Wickerhauser (victor "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 430 Modern Algebra - John Shareshian (shareshi "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4351 Number Theory and Cryptography - Matt Kerr (matkerr "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models - Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 450 Topics in Applied Mathematics - Guido Weiss (guido "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics - Nan Lin (nlin "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics - Jimin Ding (jmding "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 495 Stochastic Processes - Edward Wilson (enwilson "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5022 Complex Analysis II - Xiang Tang (xtang "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5032 Algebra II - Matt Kerr (matkerr "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 5052 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis II - Ari Stern (astern "at" math.wustl.edu)
Math 537 Topics in Algebra: Representation Theory - John Shareshian (shareshi "at" math.wustl.edu))
Math 597 Teaching Seminar - Blake Thornton (blake "at" math.wustl.edu)