Ljupcho Petrov

PhD Student in Mathematics

Welcome to my webpage!  

I’m Ljupcho Petrov, a third-year Ph.D. candidate in mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis, specializing in harmonic analysis. I’m passionate about both research and teaching, aiming to inspire and educate future mathematicians through my work and dedication.  


2021 - Present | Ph.D. in mathematics 

Washington University in St. Louis 

2020 | M.Sc. in mathematics - Master of mathematical sciences and applications 

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia 

2017 | B.Sc. in physics - Theoretical physics 

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia 

Teaching and Teaching Recognitions 

Teaching mathematics is more than just imparting knowledge for me; it’s about fostering a deep understanding, building confidence, and inspiring a love for learning. As a teacher, I’m committed to creating inclusive and engaging learning environments that empower students to succeed. My teaching philosophy revolves around three key principles: fostering connections, promoting understanding, and embracing diversity. 

2022 – present | Assistant in Instruction and Instructor in Mathematics | Washington University in St. Louis  


  • Differential Equations (fall 22 and spring 23), Calculus I (fall 23), and Calculus II (spring 24) - Assistant in Instruction  
  • Matrix Algebra (summer 23 and summer 24) - Instructor  

2024 | Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence 

2024 | Professional Development in Teaching | Teaching Citation 

2018 – 2021 | Teaching Assistant in Mathematics | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia 


  • Honors Mathematics 1 and Honors Mathematics 2 (covering advanced calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations) 
  • Probability and Statistics 

2016 – 2019 | Teaching Assistant in Physics | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia 

Teaching assistant for problem-solving classes in:  

  • Theoretical Electrodynamics with Special Theory of Relativity 
  • General Physics 1 and General Physics 2
  • Molecular Physics  

Lab instructor for General Physics 1 and General Physics 2 


2024 | Graduate Student Fellow at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) | Washington University in St. Louis 



My research focuses on harmonic analysis, specifically weighted inequalities and one-sided Calderón-Zygmund theory. I work with Brett Wick.  


2024 | Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Conference In Honor of Jill Pipher 

Poster presentation: Weighted Estimate for One-Sided Singular Integrals 

2023 | Analysis seminar at Washington University in St. Louis 

Seminar talk: Weighted Estimates for the Martingale Transform and One-Sided Calderón-Zygmund Operators 

Authored work 

Ljupcho Petrov et. al., Problem Book in Solved Problems From Competitions in Physics, Book 2, Society of Physicists of North Macedonia, Skopje, 2016  

Outreach and Service 

2024 | Judge for the 2024 Graduate Research Symposium | Washington University in St. Louis 

2023 | Referee for “Complex Analysis and its Synergies” 

2023 | New Graduate Student Orientation Assistant | Department of Mathematics | Washington University in St. Louis 

2014 - 2019 | Physics Competition Committee Member | Society of Physicists of North Macedonia 


  • Member of the committee for competitions in physics for elementary and high school students  
  • Prepared the problems for high school competitions in physics at the municipal, regional, and national level
  • Helped organize competitions and winter schools 



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