Our PhD Graduates
The following is a chronological listing of persons granted a PhD by the Department of Mathematics since 1991. In each case, the name of the recipient is followed by the graduation year, the name(s) of the thesis advisor (in parenthesis), the dissertation title, and the recipient's current institutional affiliation. The strong interdisciplinary nature of our program is manifested by the presence in some instances of advisor faculty members from other disciplines such as philosophy, biostatistics, and system control theory.
- Anastasios Fragkos, SU24 (Brett Wick), Some Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Postdoctoral Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Xiaojiang Cheng, SP24 (Matt Kerr), Hodge classes in the cohomology of local system, Postdoctoral Researcher, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CN
- Nate Lesnevich, SP24 (Martha Precup, John Shareshian), Splines on Cayley Graphs of the Symmetric Group, Postdoctoral Researcher, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
- Eric Pasewark, SP24 (Renato Feres), Determination of output composition in reaction-advection-diffusion systems and a new method to improve language model performance, Machine Learning Researcher, Luna ML, New York, NY
- George Tsikalas, SP24 (John McCarthy), Complete Pick Spaces and Operator Inequalities, Postdoctoral Researcher, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
- Tengzhou Hu, FL23 (Xiang Tang), A generalized Kodaira vanishing theorem for Lie algebroids and a Riemann–Roch theorem for singular foliation, Mathematical Modeling Engineer, Yu Liang Sheng, Shanghai, CN
- Chang Liu, FL23 (Jose Figueroa-Lopez), Market Making with Latency, TBA
Weiyan (Claire) Huang, SU23 (Brett Wick), Haar Multipliers in the Context of Weighted Spaces and Bilinear Operators, Engineering Intern, NOUS Imagining, St. Louis, MO
Yanjie Zhong, SP23 (Soumendra Lahiri), Online Bootstrap Inference with Nonconvex Stochastic Gradient Descent Estimator, R&D Engineer, DyteDance, San Jose, CA.
Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, SU22 (Soumendra Lahiri), Contribution to Data Science: Time Series, Uncertainty Quantification and Applications, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University, Department of Biostatistics, Durham, N.C.
Yuchen Han, SU22 (Jose Figueroa-Lopez), Truncated Realized Variations of Lévy Models: Optimality, Debiasing, and Implementation Approaches, Research Scientist at Meta Platforms in New York, NY.
Bei Wu, SU22 (Jose Figueroa-Lopez), Kernel Estimation of Spot Volatility and Its Application in Volatility Functional Estimation, Data Scientist, Amazon, Cupertino, CA.
Cezareo Rodriguez, SU22 (Nan Lin), Dealing with Dimensionality: Problems and Techniques in High-Dimensional Statistics, Algorithm Engineer, SimpleRose, Inc., St. Louis, MO
Bowei Zhao, SU22 (Renato Feres), Geometry and Dynamics of Rolling Systems, Data Scientist, Plymouth Rock Assurance, Woodbridge, NJ
Mary Barker, 2022 (A. Stern), A nonconforming finite element method for the 2D vector Laplacian, Postdoctoral Fellow, Matsen Group/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Benjamin Castor, 2022 (M. Kerr), Bounding projective hypersurface singularities, Visiting Assistant Professor, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Joshua Michael Covey, 2022 (R. Feres), Classical and Quantum Markov Chains Derived from Billiard-like Systems, TBA
- Haohua Deng, 2022 (M. Kerr), Hodge theoretic completion of period maps, William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor, Duke University, Durham, NC
Christopher Felder, 2022 (J. McCarthy), Some Problems in Reproducing Kernel Spaces, Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Jeet Atukumar Sampat, 2022 (G. Knese), Properties of Cyclic Functions, Postdoctoral Fellow, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Souyma Sinha Babu, 2022 (M. Kerr), Quantum curves and asymptotic Hodge theory, Assistant Professor (LTAP) at University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Nathan Andrew Wagner, 2022 (B. Wick), Weighted Estimates for the Bergman and Szego Projections, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Lisa M. Kuehne, Fall 2021 (J. Ding), An Analysis of Retention and Development of Numeracy Skills in Undergraduates, Assistant Director of Graduate Student and Postdoc Programs and Services, Center for Teaching and Learning, St. Louis, MO.
Tyler Williams, Fall 2021 (B. Wick), A Continuous Wavelet Representation for Single and Bi-Parameter Calderón-Zygmund Operators, Staff Accountant, Regions Bank, Birmingham, AL.
Jiayi Fu, Summer 2021 (J. Ding), Smooth ICA Model and Multi-Level ICA Model under Assumptions of Time Pattern, Machine Learning Engineer, ByteDance, Mountain View, California.
Chuyi Yu, Summer 2021 (J. Figueroa-Lopez), Market Making in a Limit Order Book: Classical optimal control and Reinforcement Learning Approaches, Associate Quantitative Analysist, Barclays Service Corporation, New York, N.Y.
Alberto Dayan, 2021 (J. McCarthy), Interpolating Matrices, European Council of Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.
Naga Manasa Vempati, 2021 (B. Wick), Weighted Inequalities on Spaces of Homogeneous Type, Post-Doctoral Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Luis Garcia German, 2020 (R. Feres), Computation of Knudsen diffusivity in domains with boundary microstructure, Data Scientist, Epsilon-Conversant, Chicago, IL.
- Tiansi Li, 2020 (J. Shareshian), A Study on Lexicographic Shellable Posets, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Republic of Singapore.
- Mark Mancuso, 2020 (J. McCarthy), Operator noncommutative function theory and partial matrix and operator convexity, Visiting Assistant Professor, Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
- Cody Stockdale, 2020 (B. Wick), A Different Approach to Endpoint Weak-type Estimates for Calderón-Zygmund Operators, Assistant Professor at Clemson University, Clemson, S.C.
- Qi Wang, 2020 (J. Figueroa-Lopez and T. Kuffner), Bayesian Posterior Inference and LAN for Lévy Models Under High-frequency Data, Quantitative Analyst, Barclays, New York, N.Y.
- Qiyiwen Zhang 2020 (T. Kuffner), Bayesian variable selection and post-selection inference, Postdoctoral Researcher, Pereleman School of Medicine/University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, PA.
Mohammad Jabbari, 2019 (X. Tang), Index Theory for Toeplitz Operators on Algebraic Spaces, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
- Guanshengrui Hao, 2019 (N. Lin), Topics in Complex and Large-scale Data Analysis, Data Scientist, Google, San Francisco, CA.
- Marie-Jose Saad Kuffner, 2019 (B. Wick), Commutators and Weak Factorization, Data Scientist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, MO.
- Yifei Li, 2019 (J. Shareshian), A q-analogue and a symmetric function analogue of a result by Carlitz, Scoville and Vaughan, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois.
- Tokio Sasaki, 2019 (M. Kerr), Limits and Singularities of Normal Functions, Research Assistant Professor, University of Miami, Florida.
- Wei Wang, 2019 (N. Lin), Three Essays on Complex Dependent Data, Senior Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc. in Rahway, N.J.
- Gong Cheng, 2018 (X. Tang), Index Theory for Invariant Elliptic Operators on Manifolds with a Proper Cocompact Group Action, Postdoc Research Assoc., Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis.
- Xiaoyu Dai, 2018 (N. Lin), Large-scale Multiple Hypothesis Testing with Complex Data Structure, Quantitative Analyst, Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
- Muxi Li, 2018 (M. Kerr), Regulators on Higher Chow Groups, Postdoc, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China.
- Meredith Sargent, 2018 (J. McCarthy), Carlson's Theorem for Different Measures, Postdoc, PIMS University of Manitoba, Canada.
- Tian Wang, 2018 (J. Ding), Joint Model for Phase and Amplitude Variation in Functional Data, Postdoc Research Scientist, Columbia University, New York, NY.
- Liqun Yu, 2018 (N. Lin), Distributed Quantile Regression Analysis, Data Scientist, Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA.
- Philip Benge, 2017 (Brett Wick), Paraproducts and Well Localized Operators, Instructor, Mississippi School for Math & Science, Columbus, MS. Dr. Benge was recently bestowed the Teacher of the Year Award at MSMS.
- Alexandru Papiu, 2017 (John Shareshian) Connectivity Bounds and S-Partitions for Triangulated Manifolds, Data Scientist, Simulmedia, New York, N.Y.
- Robert Rahm, 2017 (Brett Wick), Weighted Inequalities for Three Operators, Postdoc Visiting Professor, Texas A&M, College Station, TX.
- Yu Yang, Fall 2016 (Matt Kerr), Explicit Bases of Motives Over Number Fields with Application to Feynman Integrals, Internship at China Securities, Beijing, China.
- Cheng Chu, Spring 2016 (John McCarthy), Three Problems in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Postdoctoral Assistant, Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
- Chris Cox, Spring 2016 (Renato Feres), No-Slip Billiards, Senior Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA.
- Genival Francisco Fernandes da Silva, Jr., Spring 2016(Matt Kerr), On Limiting Behavior of Variations of Hodge Structures, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Imperial College, London, England.
- Ryan Keast, Spring 2016 (Matt Kerr), Some Results in Higher Weight Hodge Theory, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Fields-Ontario University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Ben Passer, Spring 2016 (John McCarthy & Xiang Tang), Noncommutative Borsuk-Ulam Theorems, Assistant Professor, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD.
- Casey Boyett, Summer 2015 (John Shareshian), Graphs with Eigenvalues of High Multiplicity, Software Developer, Express Scripts, Normandy, Missouri.
- Bingyuan Liu, Summer 2015 (Steven Krantz), Several Complex Variable, Geometry & their applications, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX.
- Chao Chang, 2015, (Nan Lin), Nonparametric Bayesian Quantile Regression, Data Analyst, Google, San Francisco, CA.
- Liwei Chen, 2015, (Steven Krantz), Regularity of the Bergman Projection on Variants of the Hartogs Triangle, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA.
- Hien-haw Liow, 2015, (Ed Spitznagel), Application of Machine Learning to Mapping and Simulating Gene Regulatory Network, Software Developer, Google, New York, NY.
- Dave Meyer, 2015, (M. Victor Wickerhauser), Wavelet Factorizations and Related Polynomials, Sr. Project Analyst, Data Science, Google, San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
- Brady Rocks, 2015 (David Wright), Incompatibility of Diophantine Equations Arising from the Strong Factorial Conjecture, Temporary Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Matt Wallace, 2015 (Renato Feres), Determining fractional conversion for a class of reaction-diffusion systems, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Yao Xie 2014 (V. Wickerhauser), Applications of Nonlinear Optimization, Data Scientist, Schnucks Supermarkets, St. Louis, MO.
- Wei Deng, 2013 (N. Mohan Kumar), Four Generated Rank 2 Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay Bundles on General Sextic Surfaces, Data Scientist, Federated Media Publishing, Boulder, CO.
- Kelly Bickel, 2013 (John McCarthy), Agler Decompositions on the Bidisk and Derivatives of Matrix Functions, Associate Professor, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.
- Timothy Chumley, 2013 (Renato Feres), Limit Theorems for Random Billiard Models, Assistant Professor, Mount South Hadley, MA.
- Safdar Quddus, 2013 (Xiang Tang), On the homology of noncommutative toroidal orbifolds, Post Doctoral Lecturer, Institute of Mathematics Sciences, Chennai, India.
- Qingyun Wang, 2013 (John McCarthy), Tracial Rokhlin property and non-commutative dimension, Machine learning engineer, Bluevec Technologies.
- Joshua Brady, 2012 (Renato Feres), Analysis of the Navier-Stokes-αβ equations, Actuarial Analyst II, American Modern Insurance Group - Liberty Mutual, Cincinnati, OH.
- Marina Dombrovskaya, 2012 (John Shareshian), Quotients of Subgroup Lattices of Finite Abelian p-groups, Analyst, Booz Allen Hamilton, Baltimore, MD
- Sara Gharahbeigi, 2012 (N. Mohan Kumar & Roya Beheshti), Mumford regularity for general rational curves on hypersurfaces, Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., District of Columbia.
- Jeffrey Langford, 2012 (Albert Baernstein II), Comparison Theorems in Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Neumann Boundary Conditions, Associate Professor, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.
- Andrew Lewis, 2012 (David Wright), Coordinates Arising from Affine Fibrations, Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
- Benjamin Manning, 2012 (Guido Weiss & Ed Wilson) Composite MRA Wavelets, Post Doctoral Lecturer, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
- Jasmine Ng, 2012 ( Renato Feres), Billiard Markov Operators and Second-Order Differential Operators, Math Content Writer, ALEKS Corporation, Irvine, CA.
- Scott Cook, 2011, (Renato Feres & John Shareshian), Markov Chains Derived From Lagrangian Mechanical Systems, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX.
- Xiao Huang, 2011, (Stanley Sawyer), Using Dirichlet Process Priors for Bayesian Mixture Clustering, Seismic Imager, CGGVeritas, Houston, TX.
- Baili Min, 2011, (Steven Krantz), The Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions, Visiting Professor, Touro College, New York, NY.
- Andrew Womack, 2011, (Jeff Gill), Predictive Alternatives in Bayesian Model Selection, Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
- Qing Li, 2010, (Nan Lin), On Bayesian Regression Regularization Methods, Associate Principal Scientist, Merck & Co., Inc., White House Station, NJ.
- Michael Deutsch, 2010, (Gary Jensen), Equivariant deformations of horospherical surfaces, Post Doctoral Fellow, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada-IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Nicholas Sedlock, Spring 2010, (Richard Rochberg), Multiplication of Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University, Framingham, MA.
- Michael Hamm, Summer 2009, (Rachel Roberts), Filing Essential Laminations, TBA.
- Michael B. Henry, Summer 2009, (Rachel Roberts), Connections between Floer-type invariants and Morse-type invariants of Legendrian knots, Data Scientist, AllState Insurance, Albany, New York.
- Ruibin Xi, Summer 2009, (Nan Lin),Statistical aggregation: Theory and applications, Assistant Professor/ResFellow, Peking University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking, China.
- Haley Jane Abel, 2009, (Stanley Sawyer), The Role of Positive Selection in Molecular Evolution: Alternative Models for Within-Locus Selective Effects, Washington University in St. Louis Medical School, Research Instructor in the Division of Statistical Genomics, St. Louis, MO.
- Joseph Bohanon, 2009, (John Shareshian), Groups in which the Normalizer of Every Non-normal Subgroup is Maximal, Consultant, NSA, Ft. Meddee, MD.
- Robert Anthony Brieler, 2009, (John Shareshian), Symmetric and Alternating Groups as Monodromy Groups of Compact Riemann Surfaces: The Case of Four Branch Points, Division Chair of Mathematics & Science, Jefferson College, Hillsboro, Missouri.
- Jonathan D. Browder, 2009, (John Shareshian), Proper Group Actions and the Face Structure of Simplicial Complexes, Post Doctoral Lecturer, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
- Chunlin Fan, 2009, (W. Ploberger, Economics, Stanley Sawyer, Mathematics), Contributions to the Theory of Copula, Senior Transmission Analyst, Calpine, Houston, TX.
- James Thomas Gill, 2009, (Albert Baernstein II), Functions of Finite Distortion in the Plane and a Lower Bound for the Weak-type Constant of the Beurling-Ahlfors Transform, Assistant Professor, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO.
- Yonhow Lin, 2009, (Richard Rochberg), The Interplay Between Harmonic Analysis, Function Theory and Operators, United State Federal Government, Consultant, Washington, District of Columbia.
- Timothy Lott, 2009, (Rachel Roberts), Dehn Fillings of Hyperbolic Punctured-Torus Bundles, United State Federal Government, Consultant, Washington, District of Columbia.
- Emily Ronshausen, 2009 (Renato Feres), The Liouville Property in the Discrete Group-Action Setting, University of Arizona, Post Doctoral Lecturer, Tucson, AZ.
- Bennett James Standeven, 2009 (Steven Krantz), The Role of First Order Logic in Complex Analysis of Several Variables, TBA.
- Brian Maurizi, 2008, (John McCarthy), Noise Sensitivity of an Entropy-Based Signal Receiver, Quantitative Analyst, Saracen Energy, Houston, TX.
- Jeffrey Blanchard, 2007, (Guido Weiss & Ed Wilson), Existence and Accuracy Results for composite Dilation Wavelets, Assistant Professor Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.
- Lina Lee, 2007, (Steven Krantz), Asymptotic Behavior of Invariant Metrics, Toronto, Canada.
- Bo Zhao, 2007, (Nik Weaver), Noncommutative Differential Calculus from the Inner Derivation, Instructor, Cass Business School, London, England.
- Amei Amei 2007, (Stanley Sawyer), A time-dependent Poisson random field model of polymorphism within and between two related species, Associate Professor with tenure, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.
- Benjamin Braun, 2007, (John Shareshian), Ehrhart Theory of Lattice Polytopes, Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
- Greg Knese, 2007, (John McCarthy), Schwartz lemmas on the polydisk, Associate Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
- Paul Koester, 2007, (Richard Rochberg), Estimates on a generalization of the Erdos Turan Function, Data Scientist, Allstate, Wheeling, IL.
- Sooraj Kuttykrishnan, 2007, (David Wright), Stably tame polynomial automorphisms of polynomial rings in two variables over a UFD, Senior Fellow in Biostatistics, The University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- Kimberly Randle, 2007, (John Shareshian), Combinatorial Properties of the Conjugacy Class Subgroup Partially Ordered Set of Finite Groups, IT Project Senior Technology Specialist, Citigroup, St. Louis, MO.
- Prasada Vegulla, 2007, (John McCarthy), Geometry of Distinguished Varieties, Professional photographer, India.
- Aaron Wiechmann, 2007, (R. Roberts), Recognition of Thin Position and the Additivity Conjecture, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
- Wang Q. Lim, 2006, (Guido Weiss), Wavelets with composite Dilations and Their Applications, Post Doctoral Lecturer, Institute fuer Mathematik, Universitat Osnabrueck, Osnabrueck, Germany.
- David Opela, 2006, (Nik Weaver), Extensions and Dilations of N-Tuples of Hilbert Space Operators, Vice President/ Quantitative Analyst at D. E. Shaw Group, New York, NY.
- Cindy Traub, 2006, (John Shareshian), Topological Effects Related to Minimum Weight Steiner Triangulations, Data Scientist, Bayer, Saint Louis, MO.
- Zemin Zeng, 2006, (N. Mohan Kumar), Set Theoretic Complete Intersections and Torsion Cycles, Unknown.
- Saida Sultanic, 2005, (John McCarthy), Commutant Lifting Theorem for the Bergman Space, Assistant Professor, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
- Leonid Kovalev, 2005, (Albert Baernstein II), Orientation - Preserving Sobolev Mapping, Professor, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
- Seth A. Howell, 2004, (Steven Krantz), Commutator, Curve, and Variety Type: An Investigate of Finite Type in Several Complex Variables, Data Analyst, Sherpa Analytics, McLean, VA.
- Jing Zhang, 2004, (N. Mohan Kumar), Threefolds with Vanishing Hodge Cohomology, Assistant Professor, SUNY, Albany, NY.
- Ningping Liu, 2003, (Ed Spitznagel), Statistical Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Complete and Censored Data from Mixed Exponential and Weibull Distributions, Visiting Assistant Professor, American University, Washington, D.C.
- Lynn Apfel, 2003, (Steven Krantz), Localization properties and boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel, National Security Agency.
- Cristina Draghici, 2003, (Albert Baernstein II), Polarization and rearrangement inequalities for multiple integrals, Special Consultant Accounts Office, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Kwok-Pun Ho, 2002, (Guido Weiss), Anisotropic function spaces, Visiting Scholar, Institute of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
- Brody Johnson, 2002, (Guido Weiss), Wavelets: Generalized quasi-affine and oversampled affine frames, Associate Professor, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO.
- Michael Jury, 2002, (John McCarthy), Matrix products and interpolation problems in Hilbert function spaces, Associate Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Mauro Maggioni, 2002, (Guido Weiss), On the dicretization of continuous wavelets and frames, Professor, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD.
- Dylan Retsek, 2001, (Steven Krantz), The Kernel Supremum Property and Norms of Composition Operators, Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.
- Marcin Bownik, 2000, (Richard Rochberg), Anisotropic Hardy spaces and wavelets, Professor, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
- Wojciech Czaja, 2000, (M. Victor Wickerhauser), Applications of local autocovariance matrices, Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
- Ziemowit Rzeszotnik, 2000, (Guido Weiss), Combinatorial Analysis, Characterization theories in the theory of wavelets, Professor, Institute of Mathematics, University of Wroclaw, Poland.
- Holly Bernstein, 1999, (Gary Jensen), Isothermic Tori with Spherical Lines of Curvature, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Harris-Stowe State University, Saint Louis, MO.
- Jonathan Corbett, 1999, (Guido Weiss), Coherent States on Kinematic Groups: The Study of Spatio-Temporal Wavelets and Their Application to Motion Estimation, Chair of the Department of Mathematics & Natural Sciences & Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Harris-Stowe State University, Saint Louis, MO.
- Giacomo Gigante, 1999, (Guido Weiss), A general method for transferring one dimensional results in harmonic analysis to different settings associated with groups and hypergroups, Professor, Universita degli studi di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy.
- Kristen Lampe, 1999, (David Wright) A counting formula for colored, rooted forests and its relation to the Jacobian conjecture, Assistant Professor, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI.
- Peter Lampe, 1999, (Renato Feres), Dynamics, Cartan geometries, and rigidity, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, WI.
- Morten Nielsen, 1999, (M. Victor Wickerhauser), Size properties of wavelet packets, Associate Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Robert Culverhouse, 1998 (Albert Baernstein II) Sharp majorization inequalities for sums of independent uniformly distributed random variables, Assistant Professor of Mathematics in Medicine in the Division of General Medical Sciences with a joint appointment in the Division of Biostatistics. Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Gustavo Garrigos, 1998 (Guido Weiss) Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Geometry, Prof. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
- Tony Hinrichs, 1998 (Mitch Taibleson) Factoring the Green's operator for random walks on trees, Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Ben Nicholson, 1998 (N. Mohan Kumar) Commutative Algebra, K theory, projective modules, and complete intersections, Instructor and Advisor, Department of Mathematics, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
- Michelle Penner, 1998 (Renato Feres) Foliations with Kazhdan's propert T, Visiting Assistant Professor, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN.
- Luis Fernandez, 1997 (Quo-Shin Chi) Superminimal Surfaces in Spheres, Lecturer, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom.
- Bao Luong, 1997 (Steven Krantz) A T(b) theorem for the Poincare upper half space and hyperbolic geometry, National Security Agency.
- Tristan Nguyen, 1997 (Steven Krantz) Holomorphic Curves in Pn minus a general hypersurface, Cryptologic Mathematician, Department of Defense, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD.
- Suzanne Tourville, 1997 (M. Victor Wickerhauser) An analysis of a numerical method for solving the two-dimensional Navier Stokes Equations, Associate Professor, Columbia College, Columbia, MO.
- David Weiland, 1997 (Guido Weiss) Calderon-Zygmund operators and smooth molecules, R.H. Bing Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
- Cristobal Gonzalez, 1997 (Albert Baerstein II) Differential inequalities associated with weighted symmetrization processes on the rea line, Assistant Professor, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
- Xinwei Li, 1996 (Guido Weiss) Transference and related techniques in harmonic analysis, Statistical Data Analyst, Department of Biostatistics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Pen Lin, 1996 (Richard Rochberg) Hankel and Toeplitz operators on some weighted spaces of entire functions, Post Doctoral Lecturer, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- Anita Woodley, 1996 (David Wright) Subgroups of the two-dimensional Cremona group, Project Engineer, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, St Louis, MO.
- Dimitrios Betsakos, 1996 (Albert Baerstein II) Harmonic measure, domains with fixed inradius, and polarization, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Ann Podleski, 1996 (Stanley Sawyer) A Statistical Test for Correlated Error in Binned Data with Applications to DNA Fingerprinting Data, Professor of Mathematics, Harris-Stowe State University, St. Louis, MO.
- Mary Shepherd, 1996 (Gary Jensen) Differential Geometry, Line congruences as surfaces in the space of lines, Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Potsdam, NY.
- Nicola Arcozzi, 1995 (Albert Baernstein II) Riesz transforms on spheres and compact Lie groups, Associate Professor, Universita di Bologna.
- Gregory Battle, 1995 (Cleon Yohe) Characterizations of commutative and noncommutative Moore-Penrose rings, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Hampton University, Hampton, VA.
- Fausto Di Biase, 1995 (Steve Krantz) Approach regions and maximal functions in theorems of Fatou type, Associate Professor, Universita G. d'Annunzio', Pescara, Italy.
- Jianwen Wang, 1995 (Richard Rochberg) Multipliers and interpolating sequences in analytic Besov spaces, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China.
- Xinli Jiang, 1995 (Mitch Taibleson) Strongly symmetric smooth molecules and strongly symmetric operators.
- Youfeng Shen, 1995 (Mitch Taibleson) Harmonic analysis on the tree relating to Green's operator, Graduate student, Computer Science Department, University of Missouri, Rolla, MO.
- Xihua Wang, 1995 (Guido Weiss) The study of wavelets from the properties of their Fourier transforms, Post Doctoral Fellow, Electronic Radiology Lab, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Li Liu, 1994 (Sergei Syskin & David Wright) Structures of NY-groups and SNY-groups, Graduate Student, Computer Science Department, University of Missouri, Rolla, MO.
- Siqi Fu, 1994 (Steven Krantz) Geometry of bounded domains and behavior of invariant metrics, Professor and Chair of Mathematics, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ.
- Xiaojun Huang, 1994 (Steven Krantz) Several Complex Variables, CR Geometry and Complex Geometry, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ.
- Hong Xian, 1994 (Richard Rochberg) Studies of geometric models of composition operators, Research Associate Professor of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Charles K. Vogl, 1994 (David Wright) Cubic homogeneous maps and the Jacobian conjecture in dimension 4, Actuarial consultant, William M. Mercer, St. Louis, MO.
- John F. Stapel, 1994 (John McCarthy) Interpolation between compatible Hilbert space couples, Sr. Engagement Manager, Skillsoft, Chicago, IL.
- Carlo Morpurgo, 1993 (Albert Baernstein II) Perturbation theorems for traces of heat kernels with applications, Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
- Jiye Yu, 1993 (Steven Krantz) Geometric analysis on weakly pseudoconvex domains, Computer Scientist at SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center.
- Ruth Gornet, 1993 (Carolyn Gordon) Spectral geometry of higher-step Riemannian nilmanifolds, Associate Professor, University of Texas, Arlington, TX.
- Richard Laugesen, 1993 (Albert Baernstein II) Extremal problems involving logarithmic and Green capacity, Hildebrandt Research, Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana, Urbana, IL.
- Zhen-Qing Chen, 1992 (Martin Silverstein) On reflecting diffusion processes, Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- Ruijia Liao, 1992 (Gary Jensen) Cyclic properties of the harmonic sequence of surfaces in CP_n, Graduate student, Computer Science, University of Missouri, Rolla, MO.
- Chi Gu, 1992 (Mitchell Taibleson) Besov spaces on non-homogeneous martingales, Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Biostatistics, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
- Maciej Paluszynski, 1992 (Mitchell Taibleson and Guido Weiss) Characterization of Lipschitz spaces via the commutator operator of Coifman, Rochberg, and Weiss, a multiplier theorem for a semigroup of contractions, Assistant Professor, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Gene Freudenburg, 1992 (David Wright) On the automorphism group of the polynomial ring in three variables, Chair & Professor of Mathematics Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
- Susan Kelly, 1992 (Richard Rochberg and Mitchell Taibleson) Pointwise convergence for wavelet expansions, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, La Crosse, WI.
- Alberto Candel, 1991 (Lawrence Conlon) Dynamical Systems, Uniformization of foliations by surfaces, Professor of Mathematics, California State University, Northridge, CA.
- Luigi Fontana, 1991 (Albert Baernstein II) Sharp borderline Sobolev estimates for functions on compact Riemannian manifolds, Assistant Professor, Universita Di Milano, Milano, Italy.
- Krzysztof Nowak, 1991 (Richard Rochberg). Fourier analysis, partial differential equations, image processing, wavelets, asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues, numerical methods and algorithms, computer science education, Senior Lecturer, Drexel University, Computer Science Department.
- He Ouyang, 1991 (Carolyn Gordon) On isospectral deformations on two-step nilmanifolds, Software Engineer, Alameida, CA.
- Hesheng Zhao, 1991 (Brian Blank) Hardy spaces on rank one symmetric spaces of noncompact type, City Planning & City Development, Nanjing: Southeastern University
- Juneng Zheng, 1991 (Albert Baernstein II) Some extremal problems involving n points on the unit circle, Computing Specialist, Des Moines, IA.