Past Loeb Undergraduate Lectures in Mathematics
Moon Duchin (Tufts University), Finding Fairness: What Does an Algorithm See?, April 12, 2022. Host: Aliakbar Daemi
Moon Duchin (Tufts University), Finding Fairness: Random Walks and Redistricting; March 19, 2020 (postponed). Host: Ari Stern
Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University), Using geometry to move robots quickly, January 17, 2019. Hosts: Rachel Roberts and Laura Escobar
Persi Diaconis (Stanford University), Mary V. Sunseri Professor of Statistics & Mathematics; Adding Numbers and Shuffling Cards; February 21, 2018. Host: Rachel Roberts
Erica Flapan (Pomona College), Topological and Geometric Symmetries of Molecular Structures; March 22, 2017. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Robert Devaney (Boston University), The Fractal Geometry of the Mandelbrot Set; February 25, 2016. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College), Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics, and President of the Mathematical Association of America; Voting in Agreeable Societies; March 19, 2015. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Melanie Matchett Wood (University of Wisconsin), The Chemistry of Primes; April 10, 2014. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Richard De Veaux (Williams College), Data Mining: Under the Hood; March 28, 2013. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Alice Silverberg (University of California at Irvine), Cryptography and Elliptic Curves; April 4, 2012. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Ruth Charney (Brandeis University), From Robotics to Geometry; March, 10, 2011. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Martin Golubitsky (Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University), Symmetries and Animal Gaits; April, 22, 2010. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Ravi Vakil (Stanford University), The Mathematics of Doodling ; April, 2, 2009. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Karen E. Smith (University of Michigan), Algebraic geometry from antiquity to the cutting edge of modern mathematics; March, 27, 2007. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth College), You Can't Hear the Shape of a Drum; April, 17, 2006. Host: Ron Freiwald.
Richard Laugesen (University of Illinois), The Power and Beauty of Undergraduate Mathematics: Two Case Studies; March, 24, 2005.
Thomas Banchoff (Brown University), What do "Flatland", "A Wrinkle in Time", and the surrealist paintings of Salvador Dali have in common?; April 21, 2004. Host: Quo-Shin Chi.
Past Loeb Research Lectures in Mathematics
Ed George (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), Lecture on November 3, 2011 & Seminar on November 4, 2011. Host: Nan Lin.
Richard Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), A survey of alternating permutations; October, 28, 2010. Host: John Shareshian.
Michael Aschbacher (California Institute of Technology), Modern Permutation Group Theory; September, 25, 2008. Host: Al Baernstein.
Lucien Szpiro (The City University of New York), The Theory of Heights; April 20, 2004. Host: N. Mohan Kumar.
Rick Miranda (Colorado State University), Multiplicity conditions on plane curves; April 7, 2003. Host: N. Mohan Kumar.
Karen Smith (University of Michigan), On Sections of Line Bundles and Cores of Ideals; March 14, 2002. Host: David Wright.
Craig Huneke (University of Kansas-Lawrence), A history of the use of characteristic p in commutative algebra; March 1, 2001. Host: N. Mohan Kumar.