Geometry and Topology Seminar: "Immersed Lagrangians and low-dimensional topology"
Abstract: Floer homology and Khovanov homology are examples of two powerful invariants in low-dimensional topology which arise as the homology of a chain complex that can be quite off-putting for non-practitioners. Recently, there has been significant work in the field to recast these invariants geometrically as an intersection theory of curves in a surface which makes them much more user-friendly. I will describe the idea behind these invariants and show how they can be applied to various problems in low-dimensional topology, such as the unknotting number of knots. No familiarity with any of these homology theories will be assumed and should be accessible to grad students in geometry and topology. This is a collection of joint projects with a large number of people to be named in the talk.
Host: Michael Landry
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