Colloquium: Symmetry of Kahler Gradient Ricci Solitons
Abstract: Kahler Gradient Ricci Solitons (KGRS) are fundamental in the study of Ricci flows on complex manifolds. It has mutually compatible structures: an almost complex structure, a symplectic form, a Riemannian metric, and a potential function all defined on a differentiable manifold. In this talk, we'll review a few examples and discuss how much and how little symmetry a KGRS could admit. The former is relatively easy while the latter is more challenging. The focus will be on real dimension four where there have been significant recent developments. It is noted that contact structures and isoparametric functions arise naturally in our excursion.
Host: Quo-Shin Chi
Before the colloquium, there will be a tea reception at 3:00 in the Lounge (Cupples I, Room 200).