Colloquium: "Lagrangian Floer theory of divisor complements"

Speaker: Kenji Fukaya, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Abstract: Many people have been working on non-compact cases, especially under certain (restrictive) assumptions such as exactness, monotone-ness and/or convexity at infinity. In this talk I will explain my ongoing work (with A. Daemi and Y. Gao) to study Lagrangian Floer theory in the more general case of non-compact symplectic manifolds especially removing the assumptions exactness, monotone-ness and/or convexity at infinity. We are now studying the case where the non-compact symplectic manifold is the complement of a smooth divisor but expect similar arguments work in greater generality.

Host: Xiang Tang, Aliakbar Daemi, & Yanli Song

Tea will be served @ 3:30 in room 200.