Colloquium: Pluri-harmonic Solutions to Maxwell's Equations and Yang-Mills' Equations

Speaker: Rongwei Yang, University of Albany, SUNY

Abstract: Maxwell's equations (ME) form a foundation for modern physics. They not only successfully describe electromagnetic dynamics but also led to Einstein's relativity theory and Yang-Mills gauge theory (YM) which is at the core of the standard model for particle physics. Since complex number has become a necessity for physics, it is meaningful to take another look at ME and YM from a complex analysis point of view. Interestingly, this new perspective brings about a new class of solutions to ME and YM based on pluri-harmonic differential forms. The talk is mostly self-contained, and it is friendly to graduate students.

Host: Xiang Tang

Reception to follow at Cupples I, Room 200 (Lounge) from 2:00 - 3:00 pm.