Analysis Seminar: Multiplier Weak-Type Inequalities for Maximal Operators and Singular Integrals
Speaker: Brandon Sweeting, University of Alabama
Abstract: We discuss a kind of weak type inequality for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator and Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operators that was first studied by Muckenhoupt and Wheeden and later by Sawyer. This formulation treats the weight for the image space as a multiplier, rather than a measure, leading to fundamentally different behavior. In this talk, I will discuss quantitative estimates obtained for A_p weights, p > 1, that generalize those results obtained by Cruz-Uribe, Isralowitz, Moen, Pott and Rivera-Ríos for p = 1. I will also discuss an endpoint result for the Riesz potentials.
Hosted by: Brett Wick