Colloquium: "Bott-Samelson Varieties and Combinatorics"

Laura Escobar Vega, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Abstract: Schubert varieties parametrize families of linear spaces intersecting certain hyperplanes in C^n in a predetermined way. In the 1970’s Hansen and Demazure independently constructed resolutions of singularities for Schubert varieties: the Bott-Samelson varieties. In this talk I will describe their relation with associahedra. I will also discuss joint work with Pechenick-Tenner-Yong linking Magyar’s construction of these varieties as configuration spaces with Elnitsky’s rhombic tilings. Finally, based on joint work with Wyser-Yong, I will give a parallel for the Barbasch-Evens desingularizations of certain families of linear spaces which are constructed using symmetric subgroups of the general linear group.