July 18 - 22, 2016
The International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA) will take place July 18-22, 2016 on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis.
The main organizers of this event are Greg Knese (Washington University), John McCarthy (Washington University), and Kelly Bickel (Bucknell University). This will be the first time since 2008 the IWOTA conference is taking place in the United States.
Participants from all over the globe come together to exchange new results, compare ideas and information, and collaborate on future projects. The IWOTA meetings also provide opportunities for attendees to present their own research in invited and contributed talks, while interacting with other participants and expanding their own knowledge base. In that respect, exchanges between mathematicians, electrical engineers, and mathematical physicists are encouraged. Founded in 1981, IWOTA workshops quickly grew to become one of the largest continuing conferences in Operator Theory that it is today. The IWOTA conference is held as a separate meeting from the biennual International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS); which in 2016, it will be held July 11-15 at the University of Minnesota.