Combinatorics Seminar Fall 2019

Thursdays 11-noon in room 6
Date Speaker Title
August 29 Irem Portakal (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg) Matrix Schubert varieties with a view towards T-varieties
September 12 Tiansi Li (WUSTL) Lexicographic shellability
September 21 Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell), Christin Bibby (UM), Sara Billey (UW), Oliver Pechenick (UM) ALGECOM
October 17 Wayne Johnson (Westminster College) Exponential generating functions and geometry
October 24 Sean Griffin (U Washington) Labeled binary trees, subarrangements of the Catalan arrangements, and Schur positivity
October 31 Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska in Slovenia) The Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem, a theorem of algebraic geometry
November 7 Erin Chambers (SLU) Homotopy height in a graph

The seminar is co-organized by Laura Escobar, Martha Precup, and John Shareshian

Last semester's seminar.

Spring 2020
Date Speaker Title
January 16 Reuven Hodges (UIUC) TBD
March 5 Colloquium by Karola Mészáros (Cornell) TBD
March 12 Spring Break No Seminar
April 9 Andrés Vindas Meléndez (U Kentucky) TBD
April 16 Jacob Matherne (U Oregon) TBD