Description from course listings: Covers the same material as Math 132, but automatically includes a special discussion section/computer lab (Tu-Th 9-10) in addition to the MWF lectures. Students should select a lab/discussion section (A or B) when registering. Prerequisite: same as Math 132. No previous computer experience required. Credit 4 units.
Differences between this course and the regular Math 132:
Classes: Lectures are 9:00-10:00 a.m. MWF in 203 Eads Hall. The computer lab is 9:00-10:00 a.m. on Tuesday in room 014 Eads Hall. The discussion section is 9:00-10:00 a.m. on Thursday in a classroom to be announced during the first week of class.
The first meeting of Math 1322 will be in 203 Eads Hall on Wednesday 8/25. The next four meetings (Thursday 8/26, Friday 8/27, Monday 8/30 and Tuesday 8/31) will be held in the computer classroom in room 014 Eads Hall. After that, the MWF lectures will be held in 203 Eads, Tuesday computer labs will be in 014 Eads and the Thursday Discussion Sessions will be held in the assigned classroom (to be posted during the first week of class).
Examination Schedule: There will be three in-term examinations and a final exam. In addition there will be a computer final given in the computer classroom during the last computer lab session.
Make your end of semester travel reservations early, as a conflicting travel reservation is not a valid excuse for missing the final. If your parents are making your travel reservations, be sure they know your exam schedule before they do it.
The three in-term exams will be 53 minutes long, of the free response type. Partial credit can be earned by showing a sufficient amount of work. The computer final will be held in the computer classroom and will require students to write and execute scripts solving a list of problems. The final exam will be a free response exam, two hours long. Calculators may be used during the exams.
Instructor: Gary R. Jensen. His office is in room 104 Cupples I. His office phone is 935-6302, e-mail address is> and home phone is 862-4569.
Text:Calculus, Concepts and Contexts , by James Stewart, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. This course covers chapters 5 - 8. The supplementary text for the computing component is Matlab in Calculus II & III , by Gary R. Jensen.
Requirements: Students will learn the material by attending the lectures, reading the text book, doing practice exercises, doing the homework problems, attending the discussion sections and the lab sessions and doing the computer homework assignments. Lectures will be divided between presentation of new material and illustrations of how the material is used in practice. Discussion sessions will be divided between discussion of problems and the taking of a fifteen minute quiz. Homework will be collected for grading at every discussion session. Attendance at the session is required for homework to be accepted. Exceptions can be made for reasonable excuses. Discuss these with Professor Jensen, not the TA. Computer lab will be divided between presentation of new material and practice. During the lab sessions students usually will be able to start the next week's homework assignment.
Computer usage: The software package Matlab will be used in this course. This is high level numerical computation software widely used by engineers. We will also use its Symbolic Toolbox, which is the kernel of the computer algebra system Maple. The full professional version of Matlab v.5.3 and its Symbolic Toolbox are available (or shortly will be available, with v.5 presently available) on the approximately 25 PC's in the Computer Classroom and on the approximately 35 PC's in the Artsci Computing Center. Mathworks sells their new Student Version v.5.3 on the website for $99. The Student Edition of Matlab v.5.3 can be purchased at the campus store for about $145. See the website for a comparison of the Student Version with the Student Edition. The system requirements are: Windows 95 or 98, 486, Pentium or Pentium Pro processor, 8-bit graphics adapter and display, 8 MB RAM (16 MB highly recommended) and Microsoft Word 6.0 or 7.0 (for the notebooks) and 50 MB disk space. The Student Edition v5 is also available for the Macintosh, but the newer v5.3 is not, I believe.
Class attendance: Classes run from 9:07 to 10:00. Late arrivals and early departures are disruptive. For this reason I ask that you arrive and depart on time. If on occasion some appointment requires you to leave early, please let me know this at the beginning of class. Attendance is not required, but students are responsible for all information imparted in class. This information might include changes in the lesson schedule.
Homework: There will be a homework assignment due at every discussion session. These homeworks will combine the calculus and computer material. They will be graded, with comments and returned at the next discussion session. The calculus homework must be written on 8.5 x 11 paper, not torn from a spiral notebook. Multiple pages must be stapled together. Unstapled papers will be accepted from a given student only once during the semester. Computer printouts are to be prepared as directed in the assignments. All graphs produced by Matlab must have the student's name printed in the title and have labelled axes.
Collaboration: This course will follow the guidelines set down under "Statement of Student Academic Integrity" on page 23 of Course Listings Spring 1999. You are encouraged to form groups to study the material and to work on homework problems. The rule is, that any work you hand in must be your own. This means that even if you have figured out how to do a problem with the help of other people, you must then write up your homework on your own. At the end of your paper acknowledge all the people with whom you worked on any problem of the assignment, in accordance with guideline 2 of the academic integrity statement. Suspected violations of these guidelines will be referred to the Committee on Academic Integrity.
Computer Lab: Math 1322 has a computer component which adds one extra day, and an extra credit, to the course. Computer lab is on Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Computer Classroom, room 014 Eads Hall.
Discussion Sections: Your discussion session will be Thursday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. An experienced graduate teaching assistant will lead the section and answer questions. There will be a short quiz at the end of each discussion session. Each quiz will have two questions and will be worth a total of 3 points. Quiz problems will be taken from the exercises in the text. Quiz grades will contribute to your course grade (see Grades below). There will be no make-up quizzes. Calculators may be used during the quizzes.
Calculators. A calculator may be used in this course on all homework, quizzes and exams. The recommended calculator is the TI83, but any comparable calculator is permitted. The TI83 is also used in Math 233 (Calculus 3) and Math 320 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics).
Grades: Your grade for the course will be based on your three exam scores (15% per exam), your final computer exam score (5%), your final exam score (20%), your quiz scores (10% using the best 10 quiz scores, but no more than 1 of the last 4 quiz scores can be discarded) and your written homework (20%). If E1, E2, E3 are your three exam scores, C is your final computer exam score, F is your final exam score, Q is the sum of your selected quiz scores and H is your homework score scaled to 30, let
Lesson Schedule We will follow this lesson schedule closely. Any changes to the lesson schedule will be announced in class and subsequently changed on this link. You will find the lectures more valuable if you read the text material and try some problems before coming to class. Click on the Lesson Schedule link above to see it.
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Last modified July 30, 1998