Todd Kuffner

Research Support

Papers submitted or under revision

Papers published or accepted

  1. T.J. DiCiccio, T.A. Kuffner, and G.A. Young (2012). Objective Bayes, conditional inference and the signed root likelihood ratio statistic. Biometrika. [doi[preprint]
  2. T.J. DiCiccio, T.A. Kuffner, G.A. Young, and R. Zaretzki (2015). Stability and uniqueness of p-values for likelihood-based inference. Statistica Sinica. [doi[preprint]
  3. T.J. DiCiccio, T.A. Kuffner, and G.A. Young (2015). Quantifying nuisance parameter effects via decompositions of asymptotic refinements for likelihood-based statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. [doi[preprint]
  4. T.J. DiCiccio, T.A. Kuffner, and G.A. Young (2017). A simple analysis of the exact probability matching prior in the location-scale model. The American Statistician. [doi[preprint]
  5. T.A. Kuffner and S.G. Walker (2019). Why are p-values controversial? The American Statistician. [doi[preprint]
  6. T.A. Kuffner, S.M.S. Lee, and G.A. Young (2018). Consistency of a hybrid block bootstrap for distribution and variance estimation for sample quantiles of weakly dependent sequences. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. Special Issue in Honour of Peter Gavin Hall. [doi] [preprint]
  7. T.J. DiCiccio, T.A. Kuffner, and G.A. Young (2017). The formal relationship between analytic and bootstrap approaches to parametric inference. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. [doi] [preprint]
  8. L. Hong, T.A. Kuffner, and R.G. Martin (2018). On overfitting and post-selection uncertainty assessments. Biometrika. [doi] [preprint]
  9. T.A. Kuffner and G.A. Young (2018). Principled statistical inference in data science. In Proceedings of the Statistical Data Science Conference. N. Adams, E. Cohen and Y.K. Guo, editors. World Scientific. [doi] [preprint]
  10. L. Hong, T.A. Kuffner and R.G. Martin (2019). On prediction of future insurance claims when the model is uncertain, with L. Hong and R. Martin. Variance.  [journal link] [ssrn]
  11. J.E. Kolassa and T.A. Kuffner (2020). On the validity of the formal Edgeworth expansion for posterior densities. Annals of Statistics. [doi] [pdf]
  12. D. Ghanem and T.A. Kuffner (2019). Discussion of ``Models as Approximations, Parts I & II" by Andreas Buja and coauthors. Statistical Science, accepted.
  13. T.A. Kuffner, S.M.S. Lee and G.A. Young (2020+). Block bootstrap optimality and empirical block selection for sample quantiles with dependent data. Biometrika, accepted. [pdf]
  14. Q. Wang, J.E. Figueroa-Lopez and T.A. Kuffner (2020+). Bayesian inference on volatility in the presence of infinite jump activity and microstructure noise. Electronic Journal of Statistics, accepted. [arXiv]

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