geometry, symplectic geometry, and mathematical
- Thermodynamics
of the general diffusion process:
time-reversibility and entropy production
(with H. Qian & M. Qian),Journal of
Statistical Physics, Vol. 107, Nos. 5/6, June
- Quantization
and Morita equivalence for constant Dirac
structures on tori (with A. Weinstein), Ann.
Inst. Fourier, 54, 5 (2004).
- A counter
example of invariant deformation quantization,
Travaux mathematiques. Fasc. XVI, 273-283, av.
Math., XVI Univ. Luxemb., Luxembourg, (2005).
- Homology
of formal deformations of proper etale Lie
groupoids (with N. Neumaier, M. Pflaum, and H.
Posthum), J. Reine Angew. Math. 593 (2006),
- Deformation
Quantization of Pseudo Symplectic(Poisson)
Groupoids, Geom. Funct. Anal.16 (2006),
no. 3, 731-766.
- A note
on Q-algebra and quantization, Lett. Math.
Phys. 75 (2006), no. 1, 49--61.
- Hopfish
algebras (with A. Weinstein, and C. Zhu), Pacific
J. Math. 231 (2007), no. 1, 193--216.
- An
algebraic index theorem for orbifolds (with M.
Pflaum, and H. Posthuma), Adv. Math. 210 (2007),
no. 1, 83--121.
- Poisson
geometry and deformation quantization near a
pseudoconvex boundary (with E. Leichtnam, and
A. Weinstein), J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 9
(2007), no. 4, 681--704.
- Rankin-Cohen
brackets and formal quantization (with P.
Bieliavsky, and Y. Yao), Adv. Math. 212 (2007),
no. 1, 293--314.
- Hopfish
structure and modules over irrational rotation
algebras (with C. Blohmann and A.Weinstein), Noncommutative
Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Contemporary
Mathematics 2008, Volume: 462.
- Quantization
and holomorphic anomaly (with A. Schwarz), J.
High Energy Phys., 03 (2007).
- Gelfand-Fuchs
cohomology of invariant formal vector fields
(with I. Shapiro), Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008),
no. 1, 129--148.
- Hopf
algebroids and secondary characteristic classes
(with J. Kaminker), J. Noncommut. Geom. (2009),
no. 1, 1-25.
- A universal
deformation formula for $\mathcal{H}_1$ without
projectivity assumption (with Y. Yao), J.
Noncommut. Geom. 3 (2009), no. 2, 151--179.
- On the
algebraic index for riemannian \'etale groupoids
(with M. Pflaum and H. Posthuma), Lett. Math.
Phys. 90 (2009), no. 1-3, 287--310.
- Noncommutative
Poisson structures on orbifolds (with G.
Halbout), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362
(2010), no. 5, 2249--2277.
- Quantization
of Poisson-Hopf stacks associated with group Lie
bialgebras (with G. Halbout), Pacific J.
Math. 245 (2010), no. 1, 99--118.
- Equivariant
Lefschetz number of differential operators
(with G. Felder), Math. Z. 266 (2010), no.2,
- Cyclic
cocycles on deformation quantizations and higher
index theorems (with M. Pflaum and H.
Posthuma), Adv. Math. 223 (2010), no. 6,
- Asymptotic
equivariant index of Toeplitz operators and
relative index of CR structures (with L.
Boutet de Monvel, E. Leichtnam, and A. Weinstein),
Geometric aspects of analysis and mechanics,
57--79, Progr. Math., 292, Birkhause/Springer, New
York, (2011).
- Orbifold cup
products and ring structures on Hochschild
cohomologies (with M. Pflaum, H. Posthuma, and
H. Tseng), Comm. Comtemp. Math. 13 (2011), no.
13, 123--182.
- Deformations
of orbifolds with noncommutative linear
Poisson structures (with G. Halbout and J.
Oudom), Int. Math. Res. Not. (2011), no. 1,
- A survey on
Rankin-Cohen deformations (with R. Rochberg
and Y. Yao), Perspectives on noncommutative
geometry, 133--151, Fields Inst. Commun., 61,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, (2011).
- From double
Lie groupoids to local Lie 2-groupoids (with
R. Mehta), Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 42,
(2011), no. 4, 651--681.
- Hochschild
of the Dunkl operator quantization of
$\mathbb{Z}_2$-singularity (with A. Ramadoss),
Int. Math. Res. Not. (2012),
no. 9, 2123--2162.
- Quantization
of Whitney functions (with M. Pflaum and H.
Posthuma), Travaus Mathematique, 20
(2012), 153--165.
- Dunkl
operator and quantization of
$\mathbb{Z}_2$-singularity (with G. Halbout),
J. Reine Angew. Math. 673 (2012),
- The Picard
group of a noncommutative algebraic quantum
torus (with Y. Berest, A. Ramadoss), J.
Noncommut. Geom. 7 (2013), no. 2, 335--356.
- Hopf cyclic
cohomology and Hodge theory for proper actions
(with Y. Yao, W. Zhang), J. Noncommut. Geom. 7
(2013), no.3, 885--905.
- Hochschild
Lefschetz class for D-modules (with A.
Ramadoss and H. Tseng), Math. Z. 275 (2013), no.
1-2, 367--388.
- Duality
theorems of \'etale gerbes on orbifolds (with
H. Tseng), Adv. Math. 250 (2014), 496--569.
- K-theory
of equivariant quantization (with Y. Yao), J.
Funct. Ana. 266 (2014), no. 2, 478-486.
- The
impossibility of exactly flat non-trivial Chern
bands in strictly local periodic tight binding
models (with L. Chen, T. Mazaheri, and A.
Seidel), J. of Physics A: Math. and Theor. 47,
(2014), 152001.
- Geometry of
orbit spaces of proper Lie groupoids (with M.
Pflaum and H. Posthuma), J. Reine Angew. Math.
694 (2014), 49-84.
- Conjugacy
classes and characters for extensions of finite
groups (with H. Tseng), Chinese
Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 35 (2014),
no. 5, 743-750.
- The index of
geometric operators on Lie groupoids (with M.
Pflaum and H. Posthuma), Indag. Math (N.S.) 25
(2014), no.5, 1135-1153.
- Quantization
of Whitney functions and reduction (with M.
Pflaum and H. Posthuma), J. of Singul 13 (2015),
- The
transverse index theorem for proper cocompact
actions of Lie groupoids (with M. Pflaum and
H. Posthuma), J. of Differential Geometry, 99
(2015), no.3, 443-472.
- On the
relative dual of an $S^1$-gerbe over an orbifold
(with I. Shapiro and H. Tseng), Adv. Math. 270
(2015), 1-20.
- The
localized longitudinal index theorem for Lie
groupoids and the van Est map (with M. Pflaum
and H. Posthuma), Adv. Math. 270 (2015), no.3,
- An analytic
Grothendieck Riemann Roch Theorem (with R.
Douglas, and G. Yu), Adv. Math. 294 (2016),
- Mechanices
on fibered manifolds (with S. Li, and A.
Stern), SIGMA, 13 (2017). 019.
- The
Grauert--Grothendieck complex on differentiable
spaces and a sheaf complex of Brylinski (with
M. Pflaum, and H. Posthuma), Methods and
Applications of Analysis, 24, (2017), no. 2,
- Coarse
groupoid cohomology and Chern-Connes character
(with R. Willett, and Y. Yao), Scientia Sinica
Mathematica, 47 (12), 1879-1890 (2017).
- Constant
symplectic 2-groupoids (with R. Mehta), Lett.
Math. Phys. 108 (2018), no. 5, 1203-1223.
- Symplectic
structures on the integration of exact Courant
algebroids (with R. Mehta), J. Geom. Phys.
127 (2018), 68-83.
- Roe
$C^*$-algebra for groupoids and generalized
Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for foliated
manifolds (with R. Willett, and Y. Yao),
Math Z., 290 (2018), no. 3-4, 1309-1338.
- A new
index theorem for monomial ideals by resolutions (with
R. Douglas, M. Jabbari, and G. Yu), J. Funct.
Anal. 275 (2018), no. 3, 735-760.
- Robust
two-sample test of high-dimensional mean vectors
under dependence (with W. Wang, and N. Lin), J.
Multivariate Anal. 169 (2019), 312-329.
- Resolutions
of proper Riemannian Lie groupoids (with H.
Posthuma, and K. Wang), Int. Math. Res. Not.
IMRN 2021, no. 2, 1249-1287.
- A quantum
Leray-Hirsch theorem for banded gerbes (with
H. Tseng), J. of Differential Geometry, 119
(2021), no. 3, 459-511.
- An index
theorem for quotients of Bergman spaces on egg
domains (with M. Jabbari), Ann. K-Theory,
6 (2021), no. 2, 357–380.
- On gerbe
duality and relative Gromov-Witten theory (with
H. Tseng), Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 25 (2021),
no. 8, 2171-2177.
- An index
theorem for higher orbital integrals (with P.
Hochs, and Y. Song), Math. Ann. 382 (2022), no.
1-2, 169-202.
- On the
Hochschild homology of convolution algebras of
proper Lie groupoids (with M. Pflaum, and H.
Posthuma), J. Noncommutat. Geom. 17 (2023),
no.1, 101-162.
- Perturbations
of pincipal submodules in the Drury-Arveson space
(with M. Jabbari), J. Noncommutat. Geom. 17
(2023), no.1, 211-232.
- Cartan
Motion Group and Orbital Integrals (with Y.
Song), AMS Proceedings Symp. Pure Math. 105,
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI,
(2023), 477-489.
- Primary
and Secondary Invariants of Dirac Operators on
G-proper Manifolds (with P. Piazza), AMS
Proceedings Symp. Pure. Math. 105 American
Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, (2023),
- Trace
Formula of Semicommutators (with
Y. Wang, and D. Zheng), J. Funct. Anal., 285
(2023), no. 11, 110141.
- Helton-Howe
Trace, Connes-Chern Character and Quantization
(with Y. Wang, and D. Zheng), Adv. Math., 433
(2023), 109324.
- On
the Connes-Kasparov Isomorphism, I. The
Reduced C*-algebra of a Real Reductive Group
and the K-theory of the Tempered Dual (with
P. Clare, N. Higson, and Y. Song), Japanese
J. Math. 19 (2024), 67-109.
- Higher
Orbital Integrals, Cyclic Cocyles, and K-theory of
Reduced Group $C^*$-algebra (with Y. Song),
to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
- Smooth
Connes-Thom isomorphism, cyclic homology, and
equivariant quantisation (with S. Chakraborty,
and Y. Yao), to appear in Comm. Math. Phys.
- Higher orbital
integrals, rho numbers and index theory (with P.
Piazza, H. Posthuma, and Y. Song), arXiv:2108.0982.
- Mapping Cone and Morse
Theory (with D. Clausen, and L. Tseng),
- Heat kernels of
perturbed operators and index theory on G-proper
manifolds (with P. Piazza, H. Posthuma, and Y.
Song), arXiv:2307.09252.
- Mapping Cone and Morse
Theory (with D. Clausen and L. Tseng),
Online Seminars (co-organized):
Professional Activities (recent):
- Organizing Committee member, Noncommutative Geometry Festival 2019, Washington University in St. Louis,
May 2019
- Organizing Committee member, K-theory
and Noncommutative Geometry, Fudan University, June 2019
- Steering Committee member, Gone Fishing-Conference on Poisson
Geometry (virtual),
Southern Georgia University, April 2020
- Organizing Committee member, Great
Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2021 (virtual), Washington University in St. Louis,
May 2021
- Organizing Committee member, Great
Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2022,
Washington University in St. Louis, May 2022
- Advisory Committee member, International
Conference on Poisson Geometry, Centre de
Recerca Matematica, July, 2022
- Organizing Committee member, Winter
School/Conference on Noncommutative Geometry and
Geometric Analysis, Villa de Leyva, December
- Organizing Committee member, Canadian
Operator Symposium, University of Western
Ontario, May 2023.
- Organizing Committee member, Noncmmutative
Geometry Festival 2023, Washington
University in St. Louis, June 2023.
- Organizing Committee member, the
many interactions of symplectic and Poisson
geometry, Institute Henri Poincare,
June 2023.
- Organizing Committee member, Multivariable
Operator Theory Conference, Washington
University, June 2024.
- Advisory Committee member, International
Conference on Poisson Geometry, Napoli, July
- Organizing Committee member, Gone
Fishing-Conference on Poisson Geometry, Washington
University in St. Louis, March 2025.