Office Hours: Tuesdday/Thursday 2:30pm-3:30pm or by appointment.
Class Meeting Time: TTH 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Lecture Location: Duncker 101
Course Content:
The main goal of this course is to expose students to computational harmonic analysis through the mathematical theory of Fourier analysis, and at the same time, to some of its many applications in the sciences and engineering.
Prerequisites for the course are Math 4111, 5051 and 5052, or permission of instructor.
The syllabus for the course will be discussed the first day of class and then will be available here.
Textbook: There will be no required textbook for the course. See the syllabus for suggested resources.
Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures. The student who misses a class meeting is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements made. Office hours will not be utilized to re-teach material presented in class.
There will be no opportunities for make-up tests after the fact. In the event of an absence due to travel representing WUSTL, such as an intercollegiate sports competition, you must notify the professor at least two weeks in advance to arrange an early test or other alternative. Otherwise, such absences will be treated as personal.
Homework: This course will have daily homework assignments which should be done before the next class. Homework will not be colleceted and graded.
Projects: There will be a required project to complete for the course. The project will be to work through a particular paper and present it to the class. The project will be determined by discussion between the student and the instructor and selected based on connections with the course and students interests. Exact details will be provided later.
Grade Computation Computation of your course grade is explained in detail on the syllabus. The usual ten-point scale will be used (A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59), however, if necessary, adjustments will be made to arrive at a standard grade distribution for the course. On an individual basis, significant improvement over the semester will be taken into account. For students taking the course with the Pass/Fail option, the threshold for a passing grade will be a "C".
Learning Disabilities: It is the right of any student with a certified learning disability to request necessary accommodation. Such requests must be made well in advance of the time that the accommodation is required and a letter of documentation from the Disability Resources office must be presented at the time of any request.
Academic Honesty: It is expected that all students are aware of their individual responsibilities under the WUSTL Academic Integrity Policy, which will be strictly adhered to in this class.
Policy Regarding Online Courses: Since the course currently meets in person, in the event the course needs to transition to completely online instructions will be emailed to the class about how the course meetings will continue and any additional changes that are required for the course.
COVID Safety Procedures: Students are expected to follow university-mandated COVID safety procedures at all times, and stay informed of any changes to these procedures. Failure to do so will result in you being removed from the classroom, and possible university disciplinary procedures. Masks and social distancing are the most important safety measures we can take; it is also important that you wash your hands and clean surfaces as frequently as possible.
Masks are mandatory at all times in the classroom; if you have a medical condition that precludes wearing one, contact Disability Resources to discuss accommodations before coming to class.
If you are sick: If you are sick, quarantined, or do not pass WUSTL self-screening, do not come to class in person. Notify your instructor.
If your instructor is sick: If your instructor is sick, quarantined, or does not pass self-screening, your class meeting may need to move online for the day. Please check Canvas (or your email) immediately before you leave for class in case your meeting needs to move online at the last minute.