ERRATA for "Introducing Financial Mathematics: Theory, Binomial Models, and Applications" by M.V.Wickerhauser. Latest posted erratum: [4] as of 2022-11-01 P.52 [1] It should be mentioned that B(0)=1, and the formula for X(0) at the top should begin X(0) = h0 + h1 S(0) = ... though the subsequent computations are correct. P.83 [2] In the Octave code in the upper half, the line computing Cd should be Cd=CRReurAD(T,S0/u2,K,r,v,N); % S0/u^2 similar to the two previous function calls. P.127 [3] Exercise 5 is identical to Exercise 3 on p.126. This replication recurs in the Answers appendix on pp.251-252. P.252 [4] Solution 5 is identical to Solution 3 on p.251. This replication stems from a similar error in Section 4.3 Exercises on pp.126-127.