Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Estimation
Prof. Mladen Victor Wickerhauser
- hw.pdf,
list of homework problems extracted from the lectures.
- projects.txt,
list of suggested projects for the end-of-course presentation.
- 01codes.txt, Part 1
(Manifolds) software for Octave.
- 02codes.txt, Part 2
(Regression) software for Octave.
- 03codes.txt, Part 3
(Compression) software for Octave.
- 04datav.txt
(Multivariate visualization) R codes.
- 04stepr.txt
(Stepwise regression) R codes.
- 04trees.txt
(Classification trees) R codes.
- 04malda.txt
(Iris data and LDA) R codes.
- 04clust.txt
(Clustering R codes)
- 04isomap.txt
(Multidimensional scaling with Isomap) R codes.
- 06difmap.txt Octave commands to build
diffusion maps, with an example.
- 06swiss.txt
Octave commands for Swiss Roll diffusion map.
- sr2000x3.dat
Plain text file of Swiss Roll points in 3D.
- dmgk.m
Octave function to return first 6 diffusion map coordinates.
(Save this file in your Octave home folder.)
- 07multi.txt,
R commands to plot multinomial probabilities on 3 parameters.
- 07diric.txt,
R commands to plot Dirichlet densities on 3 parameters.
- 07metro.txt,
R commands to estimate Beta posteriors with MCMC.
Topics. This course will be a survey of the theory and
practice of constructing locally p-dimensional parameterizations of
subsets in R^d where p is much smaller than d. Topics will
include linear regression, singular value decomposition and CUR
factorization, principal component analysis in linear subspaces,
smooth manifolds and the implicit function theorem, nonlinear
manifold estimation and machine learning with multidimensional
scaling and diffusion maps. There will be an emphasis on
applications and algorithms.
Prerequisites. Prerequisites are linear algebra and basic
Fourier analysis. It will be useful to have some knowledge of
statistics and some experience in computer programming.
Time. Class will meet 2-4pm beginning Jan.18th, in Room A.201
at PMF. In-person attendance should be possible and is encouraged.
Lectures will be livestreamed and I will request that they be
videorecorded for later viewing.
Texts. The lectures will follow a series of book chapters
and survey papers on this tentative list of topics:
- Manifolds -- Lecture Graphics 01
- linear manifolds
- charts, atlases, and parametrizations
- implicit function theorem
- Regression -- Lecture Graphics 02
- Compression -- Lecture Graphics 03
- hulls and tesselations
- least squares
- best orthogonal bases
- CUR factorization
- Convex Hulls, Voronoi Diagrams and
Delaunay Triangulations (JDB-ens-lyon-I.pdf)
Graphics from Jean-Daniel Boissonnat's Jan, 2010 talk at ENS-Lyon.
- new281-282.pdf
Excerpt (renumbered) from Jean Gallier's
book Aspects of Convex Geometry
Polyhedra, Linear Programming,
Shellings, Voronoi Diagrams,
Delaunay Triangulations (see p.332)
- KQBrown.pdf
(Kevin Q. Brown's paper on Delaunay tesselations via convex hulls.)
- QuickHull.pdf
(Barber, et al. paper on the convex hull algorithm.)
- DirkGregoriusImplementingQuickHull.pdf
(QuickHull implementation issues.)
- Triangulationlecture09.pdf
(Glenn Eguchi notes on triangulations.)
- DelaunayStructuresSurfaces.pdf
(Dyer, Zhang, and Moller, "A survey of Delaunay structures for
surface representation.")
- Hrvoje Lukatela's website
(Paper from AUTO-CARTO 8, Baltimore, March 1987)
- SVDNotes.pdf
(Gilbert Strang's chapter on Singular Value Decomposition.)
- hilbertmat.pdf
(Pavel Stovicek's article on the Hilbert matrix.)
- cur-talk.pdf
(Mark Embree's presentation on the CUR factorization.)
- CS6220-Lecture14-CUR.pdf
(Anil Damle lecture notes on the CUR factorization.)
- Dimensionality reduction -- Lecture Graphics 04
- principal components
- linear discriminants
- multidimensional scaling
- isometric feature maps
- Graph Laplacians
- Perron-Frobenius theorem -- Lecture Graphics 05
- 12-jcf.pdf Stephen Boyd's notes on
Jordan canonical form and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
- math108b_w2014_lecture8.pdf
Padraic Bartlett's notes on Jordan canonical form.
- mfmm30-32.pdf
my proof that all norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces
are equivalent.
- Diffusion maps -- Lecture Graphics 06
- Markov chains Lecture Graphics 07
Homework. Homework will be assigned from time to time.
Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged, but each
student must submit individually written solutions.
[List of homework problems (hw.pdf),
extracted from the lectures.]
Tests. There will be no examinations. Near the end of the
course, each student will be required to present a lecture on one of
the topics covered during the course. [List of suggested projects (projects.txt),
for the end-of-course presentation.]
Grading. One grade will be assigned for all homework
and one for the class presentation. These grades
will contribute equally to the course grade.
Office Hours. See the instructor after class or by appointment.
Questions? Return to
Mladen Victor Wickerhauser's home page for contact information.