Math 217
Topics. Introduction to ordinary differential equations: first-order equations, linear equations, systems of equations, series solutions, Laplace transform methods, numerical solutions.
Prerequisites. Successful completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, Math 233.
Time. Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, at 9am (section 1) and 10am (section 2) in McMillan G052.
Text. The lectures will follow Krantz, Differential Equations: Theory, Technique and Practice (Third edition) ( Publisher website).
Discussion Sections. Meet with your assistant instructor weekly on Thursday for help on homework and for additional practice. Worksheets for these meetings are posted below:
Problem sets will be assigned weekly on WebWork.
You are encouraged to collaborate on homework and
to work additional exercises from the indicated problem sections,
although the homework grade will be based only on the assigned exercises.
Tests. There will be three midterm examinations and one cumulative final examination. Midterms are scheduled for Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, on February 5, March 5th, and April 9th. The final is on Friday, May 2nd, 10:30am-12:30pm.
The final exam score will replace one midterm score if this improves the course score. No make-up midterms will be offered.
Grading. One score will be assigned for homework, one for the midterm examinations, and one for the final examination. These three will contribute in respective shares of 15%, 60%, and 20% to the course score. Discussion section attendence will count for 5%. Letter grades computed from the course score will be as follows:
Course score at least: | 90% | 80% | 70% | 60% | Letter grade at least: | A | B | C | D |
Office Hours. MWF 1-2pm for both sections, or by appointment.