Homework #11, Math 320, Spring 2001
Math 320 Homework #11 --- Due 4/13
Include your name, section number, and homework number on every page that
you hand in. Enter ``Section 1'' for the morning class (10-11AM) and
``Section 2'' for Professor Sawyer's class (12-1PM).
Begin the exposition of your work on this page. If more room is needed,
continue on sheets of paper of exactly the same size (8.5 x 11 inches),
lined or not as you wish, but not torn from a spiral notebook. You should
do your initial work and calculations on a separate sheet of paper before
you write up the results to hand in.
Output from Excel must have your name and the homework number in
cell A1.
1. (Like problem 10.4 on page 433.) A research group is interested in
the development of alcoholism in children who were adopted at birth and
how this relates to alcoholism in their biological (not adoptive)
parents. Among a group of 55 men who had at least one alcoholic
biological parent, ten (10) were judged to be presently alcoholic. These
were compared with a group of 78 men whose biological parents were not
alcoholic. In the second group, four (4) were judged to be presently
(i) Construct a 2 x 2 contingency table for this study.
(ii) Test the hypothesis that there is a difference in the rates of
alcoholism using Pearson's chi-square test. What is the hypothesis H_0?
Do you reject at alpha=0.05, using a two-sided test?
(iii) What is the P-value?
(iv) What is the phi coefficient? What does the sign of phi
indicate in terms of the relative frequency of alcoholism in the two
2. Do problem 10.14 on page 447. Note that the output on page 447 has
information that could be put in three different 3x4 tables:
(a) the observed data itself,
(b) the ``expected values'': that is, the cell counts that
would be expected if row frequency proportions were identically the same
for all columns, or equivalently if column frequency ratios were
identically the same in all rows, and
(c) the 12 contributions to the Pearson chi-square statistic.
3. A political pollster conducts a poll to test voter opinions about his
candidate among 6 different groups of voters. The results were
Group: A B C D E F | SUM
Approve 44 21 91 81 37 28 | 302
Disapprove 48 24 119 152 53 27 | 423
No opinion 29 28 57 47 29 21 | 211
SUM: 121 73 267 280 119 76 | 936
(i) Use Excel to test whether there is a difference in these ratings
among the six classes of voters, and which cells (if any) may be
responsible for any significance.
That is, use Excel to (ia,b) construct two other 3x6 tables as in
items (b) and (c) in the last problem, one with ``expected values'' and
one with the values (Obs-Exp)2/Exp for each cell and (ic) to
find the Pearson chi-square statistic for the table as the sum of the
entries in the second 3x6 table.
Do you accept or reject H0 at alpha=0.01? What is the
P-value? How many degrees of freedom did you use? (The easiest way to
find the P-value is within Excel, but you could also use a TI-83.)
(Hint: See the sample Contingency Tables
spreadsheet on the Example Spreadsheets
page on the Math320
Web site.)
(ii) Referring to the 3x6 tables in your spreadsheet, which cell or
cells appear to be the most out of balance? Recall that the entries
(Obs-Exp)2/Exp should be approximately the square of a
standard normal given H0, so that any terms that are greater
than 4 may contribute to the significance of the entire table.
(iii) What do you think that the candidate should try to do with
respect to the corresponding group or groups of voters?
(Remark: Instead of building a table with values X=
(Obs-Exp)2/Exp for each cell and summing them using the Excel
Sum function, you could also build a table with the Zscores Z=
(Obs-Exp)/Root(Exp) and combine them using the Excel Sumsq function. The
Zscores Z will be approximately standard normal given H0 and
the sign of Z tells whether the observed value is higher or lower than
4. Do exercise 10.24 on page 458.
5. The heights and weights of 10 students are
Student#: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Height: 75 57 63 70 59 69 70 74 69 67
Weight: 134 100 134 158 104 119 116 138 118 129
(i) Find the sample correlation coefficient between height and
weight for the 10 students. Show how you found this number.
(ii) Is height and weight significantly correlated in this data?
Assume that height and weight are both normally distributed and test the
hypothesis H0 that height and weight are independent. How many
degrees of freedom did you use in your test?
6. The heights and weights of a group of 73 students was found to
Sum(X) = 5021 Sum(X^2) = 347873
Sum(Y) = 9464 Sum(Y^2) =1256309
Sum(XY) = 655733
where Xi and Yi refer to the height and weight of
the ith student, respectively.
(i) Find the sample correlation coefficient between height and
weight for the 73 students.
(ii) Is height and weight significantly correlated in this data?
Assume that height and weight are both normally distributed and test the
hypothesis H0 that height and weight are independent. How many
degrees of freedom did you use in your test?
(iii) Use the Fisher z-transformation to find a 95% confidence
interval for the population Pearson correlation coefficient r (see text
page 477-478). (Hint: Use a calculator and the transformations
w=(1/2)ln((1+r)/(1-r)) and r=(exp(2w)-1)/(exp(2w)+1) rather than the
table in Figure 11.7.)