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HOMEWORK #4 due Wednesday April 8
Text references are to
Introduction to partial differential equations with
Jeffrey Cooper (1998) (Birkhauser)
NOTE: In the following, ^ means superscript, _ (underscore) means subscript, and Sum(i=1,9) means the sum for i=1 to 9.
1. Problem 1 page 124 in the text
2. Problem 3 page 124 in the text.
(Hint: The general solution of phi''(x)=w phi(x) is phi(x)=C_1
exp(xz) + C_2 exp(-xz) where z^2=w, whether w is real or complex, by the
same argument as in the case w>0.)
3. (i) Do Problem 4 page 124 in the text EXCEPT plot values at the four times t=0, t1, 2*t1, and 3*t1 for t1=0.050 INSTEAD OF AT the five t-values given, and answer the question in part (b) for time t=3*t1 instead of time t=5. As part of the same plot, add a fifth line u4=zeros(size(x)) where x is the X-grid array in order to highlight the X-axis so as to make the other plotted curves clearer. Hint: Colors appear in the plots in the order blue, green, red, bluegreen (or cyan), purple (or magenta), and a sickly yellow-green (yellow), in that order. Enter, for example, ``help plot'' at the MATLAB command line.
for appropriate expressions A_1(t),A_2(t),A_3(t), and define similar functions for the first term and the maximum of the first term.)
4. Problem 5 (page 125) in the text.
5. Problem 14a (that is, only part (a)) (page 129) in the text. Use k=1. Note that heat3.m solves the PDE using the Crank-Nicolson method, not an eigenfunction expansion. In part (a), give an upper bound for the first value of t such that |u(x,t)-U(x)| <= 0.10 for 0 < x < 10, not necessarily the first such value. (Hint: Note that lim_{t to infinity} u(0,t)=1 while u(10,t)=0 for all t.)
6. Problem 1 (page 138) in the text.
7. Problem 4 (page 138) in the text.