HOMEWORK #1 due 9-16
NOTE: In the following, _ means subscript and ^ means superscript. The expression Sum(i=a,b) h(i) (for example) means the same as Sumi=1b h(i), which is the sum of h(i) for i=a,a+1,...,b. Also, ``ne'' means ``not equal to'', so that x ne 0 means that x is not equal to zero.
1. Consider the matrix
( -2 9 -7 3 -2 ) A = (a_{ij}) = ( 5 13 14 6 0 ) ( 11 0 17 -2 -3 )Calculate
2. Write down the three 3 by 3 matrices A=(a_{ij}) with entries
(i) a_{ij}=i+j-2,
(ii) a_{ij}=i(j-1) and
(iii) a_{ij}=j-i
where i,j=1,2,3.
3. Let B be the matrix
B = ( 1 7 ) ( 4 3 ) ( -3 6 )(i) Find the matrices BB' and B'B
4. Let A be the 3x3 matrix
A = ( 1 3 7 ) ( 2 6 14 ) ( -1 -3 -7 )Find the matrices A2 and A'A. Are they the same? Are you sure?
5. Let A be an nxn matrix and j an nx1 column vector of 1s.
(i) Show that j'A is a 1xn row vector whose elements are the column sums
of A.
(ii) Show that Aj is a nx1 column vector whose elements are the row sums
of A.
6. Let A=xy' be the outer product of two 3x1 column vectors x and y,
which is a 3x3 matrix since x is 3x1 and y' is 1x3. (Note that
A_{ij}=x_iy_j for i,j=1,2,3.) In contrast, the inner
product x'y = Sum(i=1,3) x_iy_i. Assume x and y are both
nonzero. Show that
(i) If y'x=1, then A2=A
(ii) If y'x=0, then A2=0
(iii) tr(xy')=x'y. (Warning: This is not a
misprint: xy' and x'y are different objects.)
(iv) rank(A)=1.
7. Let u_i be the i-th column of the nxn matrix A, viewing u_k as a nx1 column vector. Let r_i be the i-th row of A, viewed as a 1xn row vector.