Meeting times and locations | ||||
Lecture 1: | MWF | 10:00am - 11:00am | Rebstock 215 | Russ Woodroofe (Instructor) |
Lecture 2: | MWF | 11:00am - 12:00pm | Rebstock 215 | Russ Woodroofe (Instructor) |
Discussion A: | Tu | 8:00am - 9:00am | Cupples I 218 | Ryan Keast (TA) |
Discussion B: | Tu | 9:00am - 10:00am | Eliot 316 | David Meyer (TA) |
Discussion C: | Tu | 10:00am - 11:00am | Eliot 316 | David Meyer (TA) |
Discussion D: | Tu | 11:00am - 12:00pm | Eliot 316 | Yao Xie (TA) |
Discussion E: | Tu | 12:00pm - 1:00pm | Eliot 316 | Yao Xie (TA) |
Discussion F: | Tu | 12:00pm - 1:00pm | Cupples II L009 | Dave Meyer (TA) |
Discussion H: | Tu | 9:00am - 10:00am | Cupples I 218 | Ryan Keast (TA) |
Discussion I: | Tu | 11:00am - 12:00pm | Lopata Hall 302 | Ryan Keast (TA) |
Web page:
Math 132 is a continuation of Math 131. We will start by briefly reviewing the definite integral and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. We will proceed to study techniques and applications of integration, as well as sequences, series, and Taylor series, and some material on differential equations.
The prerequisite is Math 131, or equivalent experience from a high school calculus course.
Our contact info and office hours:
Russ Woodroofe's office hours are Tu 2-5 and Th 1-2 (subject to change), plus by appointment. They will be held in his office, Cupples I 202.
All TA office hours will be held in the Calculus Help Room, Lopata 323. Please refer to the Help Room schedule.
Our email addresses: | |
Russ Woodroofe | russw at math,wustl,edu |
Ryan Keast | rkeast at math,wustl,edu |
David Meyer | dave at math,wustl,edu |
Yao Xie | yxie at math,wustl,edu |
Hass, Weir, and Thomas, University Calculus with Early Trancendentals, 2nd edition.
We will cover chapters 5-9, as shown in the schedule.
Class Format
In Lectures, I will discuss new material from the textbook. The course schedule will give you an estimate of where I will be in the book on any given day, although I may run slightly ahead or behind. Please read the relevant section before coming to class.
In Discussion Section you will do and discuss problems. Bring questions you may have.
Your regular attendance is expected in both Lecture and Discussion Section.
Assignments and Exams
Weekly problem sets will be graded on the WeBWorK system, and will usually be due on Wednesdays.
There will be occasional quizzes in lectures and somewhat more frequent quizzes in discussion section. I will not give makeup quizzes, although I will drop the lowest score.
Math 132 will have 3 evening midterm exams and a final. See the course schedule.
Exam Policies
You'll need to bring your Wash U student id, and writing implements to each exam.
You may bring a 3x5 card to all exams as a "cheat sheet". (Don't bring scratch paper, you'll have sufficient room on the exam itself.)
You may not use calculators or cell phones during exams. Use of such will constitute an academic integrity violation.
Exam Absences
The exam dates were set by the University well in advance, and you are expected to attend them at their scheduled time. If you are away due to a university sporting event, then you may arrange for your coach to administer the exam. Excused absences may be granted in case of severe illness, bereavement, or other extraordinary circumstances. All excused absences must be approved by Professor Blake Thornton.
Your course grade will be determined from the following components:
Midterm exams | 15% each |
Final exam | 25% |
Homework | 20% |
Quizzes | 10% |
Approximate letter grades for each midterm exam will be announced in class.
For the total of homeworks and quizzes, approximate letter grade correspondence will not be stricter than:
90+ | A |
80-89 | B |
65-79 | C |
50-64 | D |
0-49 | F |
If you are taking the course Pass/Fail, you need to do the equivalent of C- work to pass.