Home Syllabus Schedule Links Using R MyStatLab | Math 2200 - Syllabus | | | Syllabus Math 2200, January 20, 2010 Meeting times and locations | Lecture: | 11:00 - 12:00 | Brown 118 | Russ Woodroofe | Lecture: | 3:00 - 4:00 | Busch 100 | Russ Woodroofe | Web page: http://www.math.wustl.edu/~russw/math2200/ Introduction Math 2200 is an elementary introduction to probability and statistics, including: Discrete and continuous random variables, mean and variance, hypothesis testing and confidence limits, nonparametric methods, Student's t, analysis of variance (ANOVA), (multiple) regression, contingency tables. A graphing calculator with statistical distribution functions (such as the TI-83 or later) is required. Prerequisites The prerequisites is calculus, at the level of Math 131. If you've had or plan to take Math 132 and/or Math 233, then you should seriously consider taking Math 3200 instead. Students considering a major or minor in mathematics should certainly take Math 3200, and NOT Math 2200. Instructor: | Grader | Russ Woodroofe | Akshay Honnatti | Cupples I 114 | | Office hours: Tuesday 12:00 - 2:00 pm + by appt | by appointment | russw at math,wustl,edu | honnattia at wustl,edu | Textbook DeVeaux, Velleman, and Bock Stats: Data and Models (2nd edition) We will cover most of the material in the book, as shown in the schedule. Class Format In Lectures, I will discuss new material from the textbook. The course schedule will give you an estimate of where I will be in the book on any given day, although I may run slightly ahead or behind. Please read the relevant section before coming to class.
Your regular attendance is expected. You may come to either lecture (space permitting), but one may run slightly ahead or behind of the other, so I recommend that you pick one to regularly attend and stick with it. Technology Modern statistical analysis requires computer computation tools. We will mainly use the TI-83 series calculators. These calculators have a good statistical library, and have the advantage (for teaching staff) that they are easy to carry into exams. I will occasionally demonstrate how to use the OpenOffice spreadsheet to perform analyses -- use of Excel is similar. I may also occasionally show you output from some other computer statistics package, such as R. Both OpenOffice and R are freely downloadable, so that you can follow along if you want. On exams, you may be required to interpret output from a computer statistics package, but you will not need to operate anything more complicated than your calculator. Assignments and Exams Problems for each days lecture are posted on the MyStatLab online homework system, and parallel problems from the book are highlighted on the course schedule. I will not collect homework, and it will not directly affect your grade, but many of the exam problems will be highly reminiscent of homework problems. A MyStatLab account is included in copies of the book sold through the campus bookstore. You can also buy an account online directly, althoug its somewhat expensive. The main advantage of MyStatLab is that it will tell you immediately if your answers are correct. If you do use MyStatLab, please 'save' your answers. (It won't affect your grade, but helps me understand what students like yourself might be having difficulty with.)
If you would like to have your non-MyStatLab homework 'graded' (commented on), then put it in Akshay Honnatti's folder in the MBA Miller Lounge in Simon Hall by Thursday with an email address written on the front. Akshay will make comments on it, scan it, and email it to this address by about Monday. (If you have a study group that wants to take advantage of this offer, then please turn in one copy and forward it among yourselves.)
Math 2200 will have 3 evening midterm exams and a final. See the course schedule. Your examination room assignment will be available on the day of the exam at: http://www.math.wustl.edu/seatlookup/. Exam Policies You will need a calculator with statistical functions (such as the TI-83) to solve the exam problems. You may bring a 3x5 card to all exams as a "cheat sheet". Exam Absences The exam dates were set by the University well in advance, and you are expected to attend them at their scheduled time. If you are away due to a university sporting event, then you may arrange for your coach to administer the exam. Excused absences may be granted in case of severe illness, bereavement, or other extraordinary circumstances. Grades Your course grade will be based on 4 exams. I will weight the exams in two ways: evenly (25% apiece), and progressively (weighting later exams more heavily than earlier ones, specifics to be determined). The latter scheme is intended to reward students who show improvement over the course of the semester. Class attendance and participation may be used to decide border cases. If you are taking the course Pass/Fail, you need to do the equivalent of C- work to pass. Help Resources There are a number of resources you can draw upon to help you succeed in the course.
First: you should seek me out in office hours. I am also happy to meet outside of office hours. You can stop by my office in room 114 of Cupples I; or, better, you can email me to make an appointment.
Cornerstone runs a mathematics help desk. People that can help with Math 2200 will be there Tuesday and Wednesday, 9-11pm. More information is at http://cornerstone.wustl.edu/helphours.htm. |