| HomeMath 493, Fall 2011
Thurday, December 22 The final exams are now graded, and the grades are in Telesis. Mean=30.5, median=32. The course total is also available (it is 25% midterm, 30% homework, and 45% final, all scaled appropriately), as are letter grades. Tuesday, December 20Please write with (black/dark blue) pen or dark pencil for scanning purposes. Monday, December 19 I understand that proctoring arrangements for Math 493 seem to have fallen through. I apologize sincerely for the extra stress this has caused you. Friday, December 16Solutions for the Fall 2010 final and midterm 2 are now posted. Looking at the T/F answers is particular recommended. Tuesday, December 13I'll make a point of being on my email during the set hours of 10am - 12pm on Friday and Sunday. For now, I'm not setting specific hours for Saturday, but I will be on and responding to email several times throughout the day. Wednesday, December 7 The promised topics list is also now available. Wednesday, December 7You can find the final from last semester here, and the 2nd midterm from last semester here. Not all of the questions are about material that we've covered this semester. The T/F look mostly ok to me, as do 3 and 4 from the final and 3 from the midterm. Friday, December 2 The final homework is posted. It is due the last day of class, Friday Dec 9. It will be accepted without penalty in the math department office by close of business on Monday Dec 12. Sunday, November 20 The new homework is up. Per popular request, it is due the Wednesday after Thanksgiving break. I'll be holding an office hour on Tuesday Nov 29 from 4-6pm for last minute homework questions. Thursday, November 17 I've added to this page a schedule of topics covered since the midterm. (Linked at left). Friday, November 4 I don't have access to Professor Sawyer's 493 webpage, so I've put up this webpage as a place to post homework problems, etc. Last modified December 23, 2011 |