Home Syllabus Schedule Links Homework Solutions | Math 493 - Syllabus | | | Syllabus Math 493, September 1 2010 Meeting times and location 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm, McDonnell Hall room 162 Web page: http://www.math.wustl.edu/~russw/math493/ Introduction Math 493 covers the mathematical theory and application of probability at the advanced undergraduate level. It is a calculus based introduction to probability theory. Topics include the computational basics of probability theory, combinatorial methods, conditional probability including Bayes' theorem, random variables and distributions, expectations and moments, the classical distributions, and the central limit theorem. Prerequisites The prerequisites are Math 318 or 308; or equivalent mathematical maturity and experience. My contact info: Russ Woodroofe | Cupples I 114 | Office hours: Tues 1 - 3 pm + by appt | russw at math,wustl,edu | Textbook Charles Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell, Introduction to Probability, 2nd edition. Please note that this book is available on the web as a free download, as well as in the campus bookstore, Amazon, etc. The price of the book is quite reasonable, and you can rent it for a still smaller price from the campus bookstore. I recommend that you buy or rent a copy to study from. I will cover Chapters 1-9. As time allows, we may discuss Markov chains and random walks (Chapters 11-12). I will update the schedule periodically with a record of the topics covered. Grading Your grade will be based on 2 in-class midterm exams and one final exam, together with weekly homeworks and possibly an occasional quiz, in the proportions Midterm exams | 20% each | Final exam | 30% | Homework and quizzes | 30% | I have scheduled the midterms for October 6th and November 12th. The final is scheduled by the University for December 20th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. If you are taking the course Pass/Fail, you need to do the equivalent of C- work to pass. |