Combinatorics Seminar Fall 2018

Fridays 1-2pm in room 199
Date Speaker Title
Wednesday January 16 Federico Ardila (SFSU) The geometry of matroids (Colloquium)
February 8 Caleb Ji (WUSTL) Schur functors and generalizations
February 15 Edward Richmond (Oklahoma State University) The Nash blow-up of a cominuscule Schubert variety
February 22 Martha Precup (WUSTL) Hessenberg varieties and the Stanley--Stembridge conjecture
March 1 Kiumars Kaveh (U Pittsburgh) Vector bundles on toric varieties and semialgebra of piecewise linear functions
March 22 McCabe Olsen (Ohio State University) Birkhoff polytopes of different type and the orthant-lattice property
March 29 Brendon Rhoades (UCSD) Spanning configurations
Thursday April 4, 11-noon in room 6 Alex Yong (UIUC) Newton polytopes in algebraic combinatorics
April 12 Colleen Robichaux (UIUC)
Thursday April 18 Bill Graham (UGA) TBA (Colloquium)
April 26 Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL)

The seminar is co-organized by Laura Escobar, Martha Precup, and John Shareshian

Last semester's seminar.