Combinatorics Seminar Fall 2018

Fridays 3-4pm 199 Cupples I
Date Speaker Title
September 14 John Shareshian (WUSTL) Number of points in Hessenberg varieties
September 21 Martha Precup (WUSTL) Sink sets and subsets of Weyl type
September 28 Laura Escobar (WUSTL) Moment polytopes of desingularizations of Schubert and symmetric orbit closures
November 2 Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska) Arrangements and the independence polynomial
November 9 Federico Castillo (University of Kansas) Deformations of polytopes
November 13 Matthew Stamps (Yale-NUS College) Complements of homotopy sphere arrangements
November 16 Amber Russell (Butler University) Combinatorics Related to the Springer Correspondence
November 30 Ari Stern (WUSTL) Combinatorial Hodge decomposition and cooperative game theory
December 7 Charles Burnette (SLU) Abelian Squares and Their Progenies

The seminar is co-organized by Laura Escobar, Martha Precup, and John Shareshian