To learn like Solon and to teach like Socrates; to guide the eager young, and find the intellectual love of comrades.
(La Rouchefoucauld spoke in praise of Plato for his knowing how to grow old.)
Quo-Shin Chi
Soaring: picture
Department of Mathematics
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
Office: Rm. 210, Cupples I
Tel. #: 314-935-6757
Selected 2002 and 2005 Who's Who Among America's Teachers
Courses taught in Fall 2024:
Math 233 Calculus III (Course Description is available on Canvas)
Math 560 Compact Lie Groups
Lao Tze: Tao (The Void) generates one, one generates two, two generates three, and three generates all beings.
Set Theory: 0 (The empty set) generates 1, 1 generates 2, 2 generates 3, and 3 (numerals) generates all mathematics.
Escher: Behold!
An anatomy of research: pictures
The magic of plastic surgery: picture
(Raphael 1509) The School of Athens
(Let No One Ignorant of Geometry Enter)