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The modular curve $X_0(2)$ parameterizes pairs of elliptic curves related by a cyclic isogeny of degree 2, and it is the zero set of the modular polynomial $$\varphi_2(x,y)= -x^{2} y^{2} + x^{3} + 1488 \, x^{2} y + 1488 \, x y^{2} + y^{3} - 162000 \, x^{2} + 40773375 \, x y - 162000 \, y^{2} + 8748000000 \, x + 8748000000 \, y - 157464000000000$$
When $N=2$, a computation with the Hurwitz genus formula tells us the genus of this curve is $0$ (see Modular curves, Hecke correspondences, and L-functions by David E. Rorlich p.42). So, there exists a rational parametrization of this curve.
Huge shoutout to Gaurish Korpal for introducing me to modular curves.
phi_2 = x^3 - x^2*y^2
phi_2 += 1488*x^2*y - 162000*x^2
phi_2 += 1488*x*y^2 + 40773375*x*y
phi_2 += 8748000000*x + y^3 - 162000*y^2 + 8748000000*y -157464000000000;
Now how to find it is not that easy, for the idea Viktor Vaughn's answer to the following question https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4164279/find-the-rational-parametrization-of-this-curve.
(use http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/calc/ to evaluate)
QQ := Rationals();
R<x,y> := PolynomialRing(QQ,2);
f := x^3 - x^2*y^2 + 1488*x^2*y - 162000*x^2 + 1488*x*y^2+ 40773375*x*y + 8748000000*x + y^3 - 162000*y^2 + 8748000000*y -157464000000000;
C0 := Curve(AffineSpace(R),f);
C := ProjectiveClosure(C0);
P<U,V,W> := Ambient(C);
K := CanonicalDivisor(C);
mp := DivisorMap(-K);
P<X,Y,Z> := Codomain(mp);
Q:= Image(mp);
KC<xx,yy> := FunctionField(C);
KQ<u,v> := FunctionField(Q);
mpCQ := Restriction(mp, C, Q);
mpQC := map< Q -> C | [Pushforward(mpCQ, xx), Pushforward(mpCQ, yy), 1]>;
tilde_phi_2 = Y_0*Y_1 - 720*Y_1^2 + 4352/91*Y_1*Y_2 - 4096/4095*Y_2^2
solve(tilde_phi_2.subs(Y_0=1,Y_1 = u,Y_2=t*u) == 0, u)
tilde_phi_2.subs(Y_0=1,Y_1= 0,Y_2=0).is_zero()
tilde_phi_2.subs(Y_0=1,Y_1= 4095/16/(256*t^2 - 12240*t + 184275),Y_2=t*( 4095/16/(256*t^2 - 12240*t + 184275))).is_zero()
tilde_phi_2.subs(Y_0= 256*t^2 - 12240*t + 184275,Y_1=4095/16,Y_2=4095*t/16)
Y_0= 256*t^2 - 12240*t + 184275
X_0 = 16769025*Y_1^4 - 196560*Y_1^3*Y_2 + 768*Y_1^2*Y_2^2 - 4096/4095*Y_1*Y_2^3
X_1 = -4095*Y_1^3*Y_2 + 768*Y_1^2*Y_2^2 - 65536/1365*Y_1*Y_2^3 + 16777216/16769025*Y_2^4
X_2 = Y_1^2*Y_2^2
x =X_0/X_2
y =X_1/X_2
Since the plugging in the parametrization into $\varphi_2(x,y)$ gives $0$, we've found a rational parametrization of $X_0(2)$!
x = x.numerator().factor()/x.denominator()
y = y.numerator().factor()/y.denominator()
def minus_floor(x):
return x-floor(x)
def build_frame(s):
X = lambda u,v: x.subs(t = u+i*v).real()
Y = lambda u,v: x.subs(t = u+i*v).imag()
Z = lambda u,v,s: cos(s)*y.subs(t = u+i*v).real()+sin(s)*y.subs(t = u+i*v).imag()
cf = lambda u,v: minus_floor(sin(s)*y.subs(t = u+i*v).real()+cos(s)*y.subs(t = u+i*v).imag())
cm = colormaps.hsv
G= (X,Y,lambda u,v: Z(u,v,s))
P = parametric_plot3d(G,(-100, 100),(-100,100),aspect_ratio=1,colors = (cf,cm))
P = P.add_condition(lambda x,y,z: abs(z)<2*10^4)
P = P.add_condition(lambda x,y,z: abs(x+10800/3)<10^5/6)
P = P.add_condition(lambda x,y,z: abs(y)<10^5/5)
return P
frames = [build_frame(t) for t in srange(0,6.28,0.08)+[6.28]]
plot = animate(frames).interactive()
plot.show(delay=5, auto_play=False, projection='orthographic', frame=false, viewpoint=[[-0.5393,-0.5633,-0.626],118.13])