Math 4171:  Topology I

Texts .  Topology (Second Edition) by James R. Munkres

       This course will include many of the basic ideas about general topological spaces, together with a more detailed investigation of metric spaces.

        We will cover the material corresponding to chapters 2, 3 and 7, and also parts of chapters 1, 4 and 8.

Prerequisites .  Math 4111 

Instructor .  Professor Rachel Roberts
                         Send email to Prof. Roberts at

Office .   Cupples I  106, 935-8527

Office Hours.   Tu-Th 11:30-11:45am: in hallway after class;  Tu 1:30-2:30pm and Th 3-4pm: in my office; or by appointment.

Meeting Time and Place.   TTh 10-11:30am in  Cupples II, room  L001

Homework Guidelines:  Although I encourage you not to refer to other texts or the internet in the solving of homework problems, you may do so as long as you list all references used. 

You are welcome to discuss homework assignments with each other, to share questions and ideas. However, you must write up the homework assignments independently in your own words, and credit your collaborators.

A significant part of this course is learning how to write mathematics, and so serious attention will be paid to how solutions are written up.

Homework.   There will be weekly homework sets, due in-class on Thursday or by 5pm on Friday. Homework due dates will be strict; however, I will drop the two lowest homework scores.                      

Exams .   There will be two exams: an in-class midterm exam on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, and a final exam 6-8 pm on Tuesday,  December 15, 2015.

Grading System .   Your grade will be based on the following.



Midterm Exam


Final Exam



            Students taking the course with the "Credit/No Credit" ("Pass/Fail") grading option must earn a grade of "D" or better to receive a "pass".

            Any students taking the course on an "audit" basis should talk with the instructor to determine what criteria will be used to award a grade of "successful audit."