Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Jan. 13 Note: Monday |
Jonathan Love (Leiden) | Rational equivalences from hyperelliptic curves |
Feb. 5 | Ruijie Yang (Kansas) | Archimedean zeta function and Hodge theory |
Feb. 19 | Jeff Achter (Colo State) | Algebraic intermediate Jacobians are arithmetic |
Mar. 5 | Fang-Ting Tu (Louisiana State) | Hypergeometric Type Modular Forms |
Apr. 2 | Patrick Brosnan (Maryland) | TBA |
Apr. 9 | Purna Bangere (Kansas) | TBA |
Apr. 16 | Vesselin Dimitrov (Caltech) | TBA |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Sept. 11 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | What is . . . a normal function? |
Sept. 18 | Wanlin Li (WUSTL) | Ceresa and GKS cycles of modular curves |
Sept. 25 | Lauren Heller (U Nebraska) | Construction and homology of short virtual resolutions |
Oct. 2 | Heidi Goodson (CUNY Brooklyn) | An exploration of Sato-Tate groups of curves |
Oct. 9 Oct. 10 |
Mircea Mustata (U Michigan) | Singularities of algebraic varieties and Hodge modules The minimal exponent of hypersurface singularities |
Oct. 16 | Jakub Witaszek (Princeton) | Hodge theory of singularities in positive characteristic |
Oct. 23 | Congling Qiu (MIT) | Decomposition of the diagonal and symmetry of a curve |
Nov. 1 Note: Friday |
Krishna Hanumanthu (U Nebraska) | Some recent results on Seshadri constants |
Nov. 8 Note: Friday, 12-1, Crow 206 |
Deepam Patel (Purdue) | The signed Euler characteristic property |
Nov. 14 | David Eisenbud (Berkeley) | A survey of free resolutions |
Nov. 18, 4-5pm Duncker 101 |
Carl Lian (Tufts) | How (not) to count curves |
Nov. 20, 4-5pm Duncker 101 |
Daoji Huang (IAS) | The "lifting dream" of Schubert calculus |
Nov. 22, 4-5pm Duncker 101 |
Francois Greer (Michigan State) | Moduli spaces and modular forms |
Nov. 26, 1-2pm Seigle 204 |
Nathan Chen (Harvard) | On the complexity of curves in complete intersections |
Dec. 2, 4-5pm Eads 116 |
Ritvik Ramkumar (Cornell) | A tale of two spaces: Hilbert schemes and Branch stacks |
Dec. 4, 4-5pm Duncker 101 |
Sarah Frei (Dartmouth) | Cubic fourfolds and their Fano varieties of lines |
Dec. 5 Dec. 6, 4-5pm Crow 205 |
Chuck Doran (Alberta/CMSA) | A tetrahedral approach to Calabi-Yau geometry Enumerative geometry and modularity in two-modulus K3-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds |
Dec. 11 | Devin Akman (WUSTL) | A-Polynomials and Zero Loci of Regulator Maps |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Jan. 18 (DUC Rm 276) Jan. 19 (Rm 199) (both 4-5pm) |
Jordan Ellenberg (Wisconsin) | Sets, sums, and machines that do math Stable homology and the BKPLR heuristics over function fields |
Jan. 24 (Room 199) |
Paul Hacking (U Mass) | Mirror symmetry for Q-Fano 3-folds |
Jan. 25 (Room 199) |
Alessio Corti (Imperial) | Fano 3-folds: mirror symmetry and classification |
Feb. 2 (Crow 206) |
Jay Yang (WUSTL) | Constructing virtual resolutions |
Feb. 7 |
Wanlin Li (WUSTL) | The nontriviality of the Ceresa cycle |
Feb. 14 |
Ali Daemi (WUSTL) | Knots and holomorphic vector bundles |
Feb. 15 | Daniel Erman (Hawaii) | Syzygies from Hilbert to mirror symmetry |
Feb. 21 |
Andrew Harder (Lehigh) | Hodge numbers of orbifold Clarke mirrors and mirror symmetry |
Feb. 28 |
Soumya Sankar (Utrecht) | Vertical Frobenius distributions for abelian varieties over finite fields |
Feb. 29 | John Voight (Dartmouth) | Hypergeometric identities for 1/π2 |
Mar. 6 |
Lena Ji (U Michigan) | On rationality criteria for threefolds over non-closed fields |
Mar. 13 |
SPRING BREAK | No seminar |
Mar. 20 |
Wendelin Lutz (U Mass) | The movable cone of a Calabi-Yau threefold |
Apr. 5 (Crow 206) |
Alan Thompson (Loughborough) | Mirror symmetry for fibrations and degenerations of K3 surfaces |
Apr. 10 |
Xiaojiang Cheng (WUSTL) | Ph.D. Defense |
Apr. 17 |
Alessio Corti (Imperial/WUSTL) | Smoothing Gorenstein toric Fano 3-folds |
Apr. 24 |
Haohua Deng (Duke) | Completing two-parameter period mappings by nilpotent orbits, Part II |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Aug. 30 | Shuddhodan Vasudevan (IHES) | The perverse filtration via Brylinski-Radon transform |
Sep. 8 Note: Fri. 4-5, Wrighton 250 |
Dong Quan Nguyen (GWU) | Skolem's conjecture and Higher reciprocity law for the polynomial ring over ultra-finite fields, using model theory |
Sep. 13 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | Differential equations, hypergeometric families, and Beilinson's conjectures |
Sep. 20 Note: Room 199 |
Ravindra Girivaru (UMSL) | Franchetta's conjecture for higher rank vector bundles |
Sep. 27 | Wanlin Li (WUSTL) | Basic reductions of abelian varieties |
Oct. 18 Note: Room 199 |
Eric Jovinelly (UIC) | Geometric Manin's Conjecture for Fano threefolds |
Oct. 25 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Tevelev degrees of Fano varieties |
Oct. 30 Note: Mon. 2-3, Sever 102 |
Colleen Robles (Duke) | Completions of 2-parameter period maps by nilpotent orbits |
Nov. 3 | Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook) | How irrational is an irrational variety? |
Nov. 4-5 | Western AG Symposium | See event webpage |
Nov. 8 Nov. 9 |
Daniel Litt (Toronto) | Prill and Prym problems Shell games with 2x2 matrices |
Nov. 17 Note: Fri. 4-5, Rm. 215 |
Sun Woo Park (UW-Madison) | On the prime Selmer ranks of cyclic prime twist families of elliptic curves over global function fields |
Nov. 29 | Carl Lian (Tufts) | Counting curves on Pr |
Dec. 1 Note: Fri. 2-3, Crow 206 |
Tokio Sasaki (Miami) | Indecomposable cycles on cubic fourfolds containing a plane |
Dec. 5 Note: Tue. 4-5, Rm. 115 |
Alex Betts (Harvard) | Unexpected points in quadratic Chabauty loci |
Dec. 13 Note: Rm. 115 |
John Yin (Wisconsin) | A Chebotarev Density Theorem over Local Fields |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Feb. 1 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Restrictions on rational surfaces in general Fano hypersurfaces |
Feb. 8 | Andrew Harder (Lehigh) | Motivic geometry of 2-loop Feynman integrals |
Feb. 21 Note: Tuesday, Room 115 |
David Urbanik (MSRI/IHES) | Geometric G-functions and atypicality |
Mar. 8 | Nathan Chen (Columbia) | Finite order birational automorphisms of Fano hypersurfaces |
Apr. 5 |
RJ Acuna (WUSTL) | K-theoretic criteria for exactness of some families of Laurent polynomials |
Apr. 14 Note: Friday, 3-4, Room 215 |
Alan Thompson (Loughborough) | Type II degenerations of K3 surfaces, pseudolattices, and mirror symmetry |
Apr. 19 | Izzet Coskun (UIC) | The stability of normal bundles of curves |
Apr. 26 |
Devin Akman (WUSTL) | Factors of A-polynomials are rare |
May. 3 |
Michael Kemeny (Wisconsin) | The rank of syzygies |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Aug. 31 | Wanlin Li (WUSTL) | Abelian varieties of prescribed order over finite fields |
Sep. 9 Note: Friday, 3-4pm |
Aaron Landesman (Harvard) | The algebraic geometry of the Putman-Wieland conjecture |
Sept. 14 | Ben Wormleighton (WUSTL) | Reconciling mutations for Fano and cluster varieties |
Sept. 28 | Brian Lawrence (Wisconsin) | Sparsity of integral points on moduli spaces of varieties |
Oct. 5 | Wendelin Lutz (U Mass) | A geometric proof of the classification of T-polygons |
Oct. 12 Note: 3-4pm |
Jay Yang (WUSTL) | Virtual resolutions and the virtually Cohen--Macaulay property |
Oct. 21 Note: Friday, Zoom, 4-5pm |
Lara Bossinger (UNAM) | Tropical totally positive cluster varieties |
Oct. 26 | Ziquan Yang (Wisconsin) | The Tate Conjecture over finite fields for varieties with h2,0=1 |
Nov. 2 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | K2 and quantum curves |
Nov. 16 | Salim Tayou (Harvard) | Exceptional jumps of the Picard rank of K3 surfaces over number fields |
Dec. 2 Note: Friday, 1-2pm |
Jonathan Love (McGill) | TBA |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] | Location | Jan. 26 | Joseph Cummings | Newton-Okounkov bodies of arrangement varieties | Zoom |
Feb. 2 | Mandy Cheung | Family Floer mirror and mirror symmetry for rank 2 cluster varieties | Zoom |
Feb. 9 | Franco Rota | Full exceptional collections for anticanonical log del Pezzo surfaces | Zoom |
Feb. 16 | Adam Afandi | Polynomiality of hyperelliptic Hodge integrals | Zoom |
Feb. 23 | Michael Wemyss | Local normal forms of noncommutative functions | Zoom |
Mar. 2 | Alex Küronya | Newton-Okounkov bodies and measures of local positivity | Zoom |
Mar. 9 | Maria Gillespie | Multiplicity-free formulas for products of psi and omega classes on M_0,n-bar via degenerations | Zoom |
Mar. 23 | Soumya Sinha Babu | Quantum curves and asymptotic Hodge theory | Room 199 |
Mar. 24 |
Chuck Doran | Mirroring towers: fibration and degeneration in Calabi-Yau geometry | Colloquium |
Mar. 30 |
Radu Laza | Deformations of singular Fano and Calabi-Yau varieties | Crow 206 |
Apr. 6 |
Marcos Marino | Spectral theory, quantum curves, and topological strings | Zoom |
Apr. 13 3-4pm |
Bruno Klingler | Recent progress on Hodge loci | Zoom |
Apr. 21 Thurs |
Genival da Silva Jr. | The complexity of higher Chow groups | Crow 206 |
Apr. 27 |
Laure Flapan | Kodaira dimension of some moduli spaces of hyperkähler varieties | Crow 206 |
May. 19 9:30am |
Vasudevan Srinivas | Algebraic versus topological entropy for varieties over finite fields | Crow 204 |
Jun. 12 Thurs 11am |
Jay Yang | Virtual resolutions of monomial ideals | Zoom |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] | Location | Sep. 15 | Tim Magee | Convexity in tropical spaces and intrinsic NO bodies for cluster varieties | Zoom | Sep. 22 | Steven Karp | Wronskians, total positivity, and real Schubert calculus | Zoom | Sep. 29 | Brian Lehmann | Asymptotic geometry and convexity | Zoom | Oct. 6 | Dave Anderson | Infinite flags and Schubert polynomials | Zoom | Oct. 13 | Dustin Ross | Tropical fans, mixed volumes, and log-concavity | Zoom | Oct. 20 | Madeleine Brandt | Tropical flag varieties | Zoom | Oct. 27 | Ana Balibanu | Steinberg slices and group-valued moment maps | Zoom | Nov. 3 | Ravindra Girivaru | Some (more) Lefschetz theorems for vector bundles | Zoom | Nov. 10 | Evangelia Gazaki | Local-to-global principles for zero-cycles | Zoom | Dec. 1 | Devin Akman | Intersection theory and Schubert cycles | Room 199 | Dec. 8 | Jarosław Buczyński | Fujita vanishing, sufficiently ample line bundles, and cactus varieties | Zoom @11-12 |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Feb. 10 | Stefano Filipazzi (UCLA) | On the boundedness of elliptically fibered varieties |
Feb. 17 | Genival da Silva Jr. | Remarks on the Hodge conjecture for Fermat varieties |
Mar. 10 | Hossein Movasati (IMPA) | Hodge cycles for cubic hypersurfaces |
Mar. 17 | Tom Ducat (Durham) | Reid's pagoda done `torically' |
Mar. 24 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Spaces of rational curves on Fano threefolds |
Mar. 31 | Jose Gonzalez (Riverside) | The Fulton-MacPherson compactification is not a Mori dream space |
Apr. 7 | Tatsunari Watanabe (ERAU) | An obstruction for sections of universal hyperelliptic curves |
Apr. 14 | Xiaojiang Cheng (WUSTL) | Hodge classes in the cohomology of automorphic local systems |
Apr. 21 | Vasily Golyshev (Moscow) | Fibered motives and modularity proofs |
Apr. 28 | Masha Vlasenko (IMPAN) | Integrality of instanton numbers |
May 5 Note: 2 PM |
Alan Thompson (Loughborough) | The mirror Clemens-Schmid sequence |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Sep. 16 Note: 4:15PM |
Christian Schnell (Stony Brook) | Degenerating variations of Hodge structure, revisited |
Sep. 23 Note: 8PM |
Zhiyuan Li (Fudan) | Noether-Lefschetz cycles on moduli space of quasi-polarized K3 surfaces |
Sep. 30 | Ben Wormleighton (WUSTL) | Symplectic embeddings via algebraic capacities |
Oct. 14 | Jonathan Lai (Imperial) | Compactified mirror families for log Calabi-Yau surfaces and periods |
Oct. 21 | James Lewis (Alberta) | Indecomposable K1-classes on a surface and membrane integrals |
Oct. 28 | Alastair Craw (Bath) | Gale duality and the linearisation map for quiver moduli |
Nov. 11 | Tokio Sasaki (Miami) | Higher Chow cycles arising from some Laurent polynomials |
Dec. 2 | Wushi Goldring (Stockholm) | Propagating algebraicity via functoriality |
Dec. 9 | Johannes Walcher (Heidelberg) | On the rationality of MUMs and 2-functions |
Date | Speaker | Title |
Jan. 15 | Luca Schaffler (U Mass) | Compactifications of moduli of points and lines in P2 |
Jan. 29 | Gregory Pearlstein (TAMU) | Differential geometry of the mixed Hodge metric |
Feb. 12 | Andrew Harder (Lehigh) | Log symplectic pairs and mixed Hodge structures |
Feb. 19 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL/Riverside) | Geography of quintic surfaces |
Feb. 26 | Sebastian Olano (Northwestern) | On the nonnegativity of stringy Hodge numbers |
Mar. 4 | Alexander Duncan (S. Carolina) | Distinguishing objects with separable algebras |
Apr. 1 Note: on Zoom |
Ben Wormleighton (Berkeley) | Wall-crossing in the McKay correspondence |
Apr. 8 Note: on Zoom |
Haohua Deng (WUSTL) | Oral Exam |
Apr. 22Note: on Zoom | Adrian Clingher (UMSL) | K3 surfaces of high Picard rank |
Date | Speaker | Title [Click here for abstracts] |
Sep. 4 | Colleen Robles (Duke) | Identification of Hodge Domains |
Sep. 11 | Kapil Paranjape (IISER/WUSTL) | Nori's theorem about Ceresa's cycle on abelian threefolds |
Sep. 18 | Francois Greer (Stony Brook) | A Lagrangian sphere which is not a vanishing cycle |
Sep. 25 | Humberto Diaz (WUSTL) | Unramified cohomology and the integral Hodge conjecture |
Oct. 2 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | Geometric interpretations of complex ball quotients |
Oct. 9 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Spaces of rational curves on Fano hypersurfaces |
Oct. 23, 24 | Ben Bakker (Georgia) | Hodge theory and o-minimality o-minimal GAGA |
Nov. 1 Note: Friday, Rm. 6 |
Deepam Patel (Purdue) | Interpolating motives |
Nov. 4 Note: Monday, Rm. 207 |
Chenglong Yu (U Penn) | Period integrals of vector bundle sections |
Nov. 15 Note: Friday, Rm. 6 |
Charles Doran (Alberta/CMSA) | Glueing periods for DHT mirrors |
Nov. 20 | Radu Laza (Stony Brook) | Cohomology of hyperkaehler manifolds |
Dec. 11 | Kartik Prasanna (Michigan) | Cohomology of arithmetic groups and motivic cohomology |
Dec. 13 Note: Friday, Room 199 |
Fumiaki Suzuki (UIC) | A pencil of Enriques surfaces with non-algebraic integral Hodge classes |
Date | Speaker | Title |
Jan. 30 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | Comparing approaches for compactifying moduli spaces |
Feb. 6 | Donu Arapura (Purdue) | Algebraic cycles on genus two modular fourfolds |
Feb. 20 | Ryan Keast (U Toronto) | Motivic and integral Hodge classes |
Feb. 27 | Luca Schaffler (U Mass) | Compactifications of an interesting family of K3 surfaces from 8 points in P1 |
Mar. 6 | Chenglong Yu (U Penn) | Moduli of symmetric cubic fourfolds and singular sextic curves |
Mar. 20 | Benjamin Schmidt (UT-Austin) | Vector bundles and reflexive sheaves with extremal Chern characters |
Mar. 27 | Humberto Diaz (UC-Riverside) | On the Chow ring structure of the cubic hypersurface |
Apr. 3 | Eric Katz (Ohio State) | Hodge theory in combinatorics |
Apr. 10 | James Lewis (Alberta) | The transcendental Abel-Jacobi map for K1 of a surface |
Date | Speaker | Title |
Sept. 14 Note: Friday |
Satya Mandal (Kansas) | Homotopy obstructions for projective modules |
Sep. 19 | Martha Precup (WUSTL) | Affine pavings |
Sep. 26 | Laura Escobar (WUSTL) | Wall-crossing phenomena for Newton-Okounkov bodies |
Oct. 3 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | On Chow quotients |
Oct. 12 Note: Friday |
Tony Pantev (U Penn) | Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and Hodge theory |
Oct. 24 | Jenia Tevelev (U Mass) | Derived categories of moduli of stable curves |
Oct. 31 | Laure Flapan (Northeastern) | Chow motives associated to certain algebraic Hecke characters |
Nov. 7 Note: Wednesday |
Mark Green (UCLA) | Algebraic Geometry over C for Beginners |
Nov. 28 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | Hodge Theory and Singularities, Part 1 |
Dec. 5 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | Hodge Theory and Singularities, Part 2 |
Date | Speaker | Title |
Jan. 31 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | BBD and VHS |
Feb. 7 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | On double covers and their degenerations |
Feb. 15 | Radu Laza (Stony Brook) | Cubics and Hyperkählers |
Feb. 21 Note: 3PM |
An Huang (Brandeis) | Hasse-Witt matrices and period integrals |
Feb. 28 | -------- | No seminar |
Mar. 7 | Tokio Sasaki/Muxi Li (WUSTL) | Limits and singularities for K1 cycles on algebraic surfaces / Integral regulators for higher Chow complexes |
Mar. 14 | Spring break | No seminar |
Mar. 21 | Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (CU-Boulder) | Algebraic representatives and intermediate Jacobians over perfect fields |
Mar. 28 | Benjamin Schmidt (UT-Austin) | The genus of space curves and derived categories |
Apr. 4 | Kristin DeVleming (U Washington) | Moduli of surfaces in P3 |
Apr. 11 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | On singularities and variation of GIT |
Apr. 18 | Feng Hao (Purdue) | 1-motive associated to degeneration of curves |
Apr. 19 | Eyal Markman (U Mass) | Monodromy of generalized Kummer
varieties Note: Rm. 113, 3-4 pm |
Apr. 25 | Cristian Martinez (UCSB) | Stability conditions on blow-ups and counterexamples |
Date | Speaker | Title |
Sept. 18 | Kenneth Ascher (MIT) | Compactifications of the moduli space of elliptic surfaces |
Sept. 25 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | Compactifying plane curves of fixed degree |
Oct. 2 | Yajnaseni Dutta (Northwestern) | On Fujita type conjectures |
Oct. 9 | [no seminar] | |
Oct. 16 | Luca di Cerbo (ICTP/Stony Brook) | On the classification of toroidal compactifications of complex hyperbolic manifolds |
Oct. 23 | Alexander Jon Stathis (UGA) | Intersection theory on the Hilbert scheme of points in the projective plane |
Oct. 25 | Matt Kerr (WUSTL) | Irrationality of ζ(3) and higher normal functions |
Oct. 30 | Xudong Zheng (JHU) | The Hilbert scheme of points on singular surfaces |
Nov. 6 | Charles Doran (Alberta/ICERM) | Calabi-Yau manifolds, mirrors, and moduli |
Nov. 13 | Patricio Gallardo (WUSTL) | Point and line to plane |
Nov. 20 | Evangelos Routis (IPMU) | Complete complexes and spectral
sequences Note: 2:10-3:00, Rm. 199 |
Nov. 20 | Andrew Harder (Miami) | Tyurin degenerations, mirror symmetry and
perverse sheaves of categories Note: 4:15-5:15 |
Nov. 27 | Jack Sonn (Technion) | Galois groups over the rationals with ramification constraints |
Nov. 28 | Laura Escobar (UIUC) | Bott-Samelson varieties and combinatorics |
Dec. 4 | Adrian Clingher (UMSL) | On Kummer surfaces with polarization of type (1,2) |
Dec. 5 | Eric Riedl (UIC) | Rational curves on hypersurfaces |
Dec. 7 | Florian Frick (Cornell) | Intersections of finite sets: geometry and topology |
Dec. 12 | Martha Precup (Northwestern) | The cohomology of abelian Hessenberg varieties |
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 3 Note: Tuesday |
Lei Wu (Northwestern) | Multi-indexed Deligne extensions and a Kawamata-Viehweg type vanishing theorem for log VHS |
March 29 Note: 4:15 |
Ravindra Girivaru (UMSL) | Lefschetz conjectures for Chow groups -- an update |
April 5 Note: Room 111 |
Tokio Sasaki (WUSTL) | Constructions of Calabi-Yau manifolds from reflexive polytopes |
April 12,13 | Deepam Patel (Purdue) | Semi-abelian motives Note:
4:30 Enriched Hodge structures |
April 14 | Ludmil Katzarkov (Miami) | Center manifolds and Hodge theory |
April 19 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Recent developments in (stable) rationality, I |
April 26 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Recent developments in (stable) rationality, II |
May 10 | Patricio Gallardo (U. Georgia) | On geometric invariant theory for hypersurfaces and their hyperplane sections |
Date | Speaker | Title |
September 7 | Mihnea Popa (Northwestern) | Hodge ideals |
September 14 | Patrick Brosnan (UMD) | The Shareshian-Wachs conjecture |
September 22 | Alena Pirutka (NYU) | Around rationality |
October 19 | Laure Flapan (UCLA) | Geometry and modularity of Schreider's varieties |
October 26, 27 | Martha Precup (Northwestern) | The Betti numbers of of regular
Hessenberg varieties and the dot action A generalization of the Springer resolution for GLn(C) |
November 2 | Tokio Sasaki (WUSTL) | Explicit Hodge-D-Conjecture for some some families of K3 surfaces |
November 9 | Kevin Kordek (TAMU) | Picard groups of moduli spaces of curves with symmetry |
Date | Speaker | Title |
February 26 | Farbod Shokrieh (Cornell) | Classes of compactified Jacobians in the Grothendieck ring |
April 1 | Xuanyu Pan (WUSTL) | The geometry of cycles on higher Fano hypersurfaces |
April 8 | Genival da Silva Jr. (WUSTL) | Surfaces with exceptional monodromy |
April 15 | Amin Gholampour (Maryland) | Intersection numbers on the Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces [Note: Room 115] |
April 29 | James Lewis (Alberta) | The business of height pairings |
May 6 | Roya Beheshti (WUSTL) | Stably rational varieties |