Calculus of Several Variables, Spring 2017
- Zhenghui Huo, Cupples I, 107,
Classroom and Time
Office Hour
- Tue 12pm-1pm and Fri 4pm-5pm, in my office : Cupples I 107
• Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Manifolds by Theodore Shifrin.
• Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach (5th Edition), by John Hubbard and Barbara Hubbard.
- Selected topics for functions of several variables involving some matrix algebra and presented at a level of rigor intermediate between Cal III and higher level analysis courses. We will attempt to cover the first 6 chapters.
- There will be weekly due homework sets. Homework is due every Friday at the beginning of the lecture.
- The lowest 2 homework scores will be dropped.
- There will be two in-class midterm exams and one final exam. Midterm exams are on Feb. 17th and Mar. 31st. Final is on May 8th, 3:30-5:30.
- You may not receive credit for both Math 308 and 318.
- Grading scale: Homework: 15%, Midterm 1: 25%, Midterm 2: 25%, Final: 35%.
- You are expected to take the exams at their scheduled times. If you are away because of a university sporting event or field trip, then you may arrange for your coach or professor to administer the exam. Excused absences may be granted in the case of illness or bereavement. The final exam date cannot be changed for reasons of traveling convenience.
- Letter grades will be given based on your overall score. The cutoffs for the various letter grades will be no higher than the following: