1. Do exercise 6.50 on page 287.
2. Do exercise 6.68 on page 288 by the exact method. Since the sample size is larger than 20, you cannot use Figure 6.14 on page 270. Instead, you will have to use the distribution function of a binomial random variable. This is available on Excel or on some high quality calculators. You will find it on Excel by clicking the sequence
If you enter the data into a single column or row in Excel, it will sort it for you -- click the sequence Data/Sort. Don't forget to put your name and HW8 in cell A1. By hand, label the probability calculations you have made of the form P(Y <= S) = .025.
3. Do exercise 7.8 on page 301.
4. Do exercise 7.10 on page 301.
5. Do exercise 7.22 on page 313.
6. Do exercise 7.24 on page 313.
7. Do exercise 7.28 on page 313.