The Texas Instruments TI-83 is the official calculator for the course. It will be virtually essential for much of the homework and may be used on all 1323 exams. Indeed, some exam questions will be written for solution by the TI-83. The TI-83 is currently the only commonly available calculator that comes equipped with the major distribution functions used throughout statistics (although some other Texas Instrument calculators permit downloading of the distribution functions). With a TI-83 in your hands, you won’t have to master the tricky distribution function tables that in the past have given students so much grief. Either version, the original TI-83 or the new TI-83 Plus will be fine. You should bring your TI-83 to all classes, including Tuesdays. The instructor will work both calculus and statistics problems with it, and you may find it helpful to follow along.
The instructor will be glad to help you learn how to use the TI-83 for calculus and statistics purposes. If you prefer to use a different graphing calculator, you will need to determine for yourself if it is equipped with the essential statistical distribution functions and will also need to figure out on your own how to use it. Moreover, some fancier calculators contain a "computer algebra system" (CAS) that allows them to perform symbolic manipulations. Calculators containing a CAS (for example, the TI-89, TI-92, HP-48 and HP-49) are not allowed at quizzes and exams, so using one falls into the category of exam cheating and will be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee. .