Texts Calculus:
Concepts and Contexts, Second Edition, James Stewart, Chapters 5-8
Math 1323,
Spring 2001, Calculus II with Statistics: Statistics and
(purchase for $10 in the Math Department Office, Room 100, Cupples I)
Required Calculator TI-83 or TI-83 Plus (see the link below on calculators)
Prerequisites Math 131 (Calculus I) or the equivalent, e.g., a high school AP Calculus course with a score of 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB Advanced Placement Exam.
Sections | Time | Room | Instructor
Feedback |
Office | Office Hours | Phone |
1:00-2:00 |
Cupples I, Room 113 | E. Wilson | to Prof. Wilson | Cupples I 18 | Tuesdays and Fridays 11:00a.m.-12:30 p.m. and by appointment | 935-6729 |
Discussion Sections | Section A (T)
Section B ( T) 10:00-11:00 |
Cupples I,
Room 111 |
same | same | same | same | same |
Each class begins at seven
minutes after the hour and lasts until the end of the hour. Late arrivals
and early departures are disruptive for other students, so please try to
avoid them. You are responsible for any material covered in class and any
announcements made there. If you have to be absent, check with a
responsible friend to see what you missed.
Math 1323 Electronic Bulletin Board
1/16/02 Note that I've put on a new link giving the written homework
assignments in sequence, i.e., HW#1 followed by HW#2, etc. This is
intended to make it easy to
Professor Edward Wilson
Syllabus Contents
What Could I Do If I Majored in Math? Other Information About Math Majors and Minors