Text Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, James Stewart, Chapters 9 - 13.5
Prerequisites It's essential that your knowledge of derivatives and integrals be in good working order. If you had a good grasp of this material earlier, it should return to you as you get over any initial rustiness.
Sec | Time | Room | Instructor
Feedback |
Office | Office Hours (for students
any section) |
Phone |
9:00-10:00 |
January 110 | M. Feldman | to Prof. Feldman | Cupples 1 108A | M Th 10:00-11:30 and by appt. | 935-8111 |
11:00-12:00 |
Brown 118 | E. Wilson | to Prof. Wilson | Cupples I 18 | Tu W F 1:30-2:30 and by appt. | 935-6729 |
Each class begins at seven minutes after the hour and lasts until the end of the hour. Late arrivals and early departures are disruptive for other students, so please try to avoid them. You are responsible for any material covered in class and any announcements made there. If you have to be absent, check with a responsible friend to see what you missed.
Matlab Consultants: Scott Whitehill,
Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m, ArtSci Computing Lab, Eads Hall
Mike Mostardi, Sundays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., ArtSci Computing Lab, Eads Hall
Syllabus Contents
(Not all the links available
online were printed out in the copy distributed in class.)
Math 233 Electronic Bulletin Board
12/10 THERE WILL BE A REVIEW SESSION ON FRIDAY, DEC. 14 FROM 2:00 P.M. TO AROUND 4 P.M. IN BUSCH 100. Busch Hall is the History Building. It's located on the main quadrangle directly opposite from Cupples I (Math Building). Busch 100 is on the first floor at the east end of the building. If you enter the building from the entrance closest to South Brookings, Busch 100 will be the first classroom on the left.. 11/30 The format of the Final Exam will be entirely multiple choice--25-30
multiple choice problems and likely closer to 25 than to 30. Slightly
less than half of the questions will concern Chapter 13.1-13.5, the rest
will be devoted to review questions from Chapters 9-12. Be sure to
know how to do the homework problems (both suggested and those assigned
to be handed in) on Chapter 13.
Professor Edward Wilson, Coordinator
What Could I Do If I Majored in Math? Other Information About Math Majors and Minors