We assume that you're regularly attending lectures and discussion sections, and working hard at the homework exercises. Nothing here is intended as a substitute for that.You should also take advantage of your instructor's office hours, listed on the first page of the syllabus. Students from any section may use the office hours of any of the instructors. If all of those hours are impossible for you, contact your instructor about the possibility of setting up an appointment.
Instructors' Help Sessions: There will be two help sessions led by instructors soon before each exam. Students from all sections are welcome to attend. Times and placeds will be announced.
Old exams and solutions from previous semesters are posted on the web as study guides. Math 131 tests given in Fall 1997 or later should give at least a rough idea of the material we are covering and the style of examination. (Any exams older that Fall 1997 involved a different text and are less useful.) Copies of some of these exams should also be available to view or copy at the Reserve Desk on Level 2 in Olin Library.
Some students may find it beneficial to participate in a Calculus Study Group. Study groups are organized as needed by Student Educational Services (SES), located in Cornerstone (in Gregg Hall on the South 40). They are conducted by graduate and undergraduate math students. Students make a commitment to attend such a group regularly (not just "come when you feel like it"). If you want to participate in a study group, use this link to send an e-mail to Leslye Steptoe. Include information about what course you're in, and how SES should contact you.Some students may feel that they need help with issues related to study habits, test preparation skills, test anxiety, and similar issues. They should also contact Leslye Steptoe to see what kinds of help might be available.
If you took Calculus II elsewhere and are having a lot of difficulties, you might talk with your advisor to consider dropping back into Math 132 (Calculus II). You can do this (without a "withdrawal" on your transcript) provided you enter Math 132 in time to take the second Math 132 exam on October 24).