Todd Kuffner (kuffner who is @ wustl
*dot* edu
8:30 - 10:00, Tuesday/Thursday, Location: Cupples I, Room 215
Hours: Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00 and Thursday 10:00 - 11:00
Final Exam Date: May 4, 2018, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Description: A modern course in multivariate statistics.
Elements of classical multivariate analysis as needed, including
multivariate normal and Wishart distributions. Clustering; principal
component analysis. Model selection and evaluation; prediction error;
variable selection; stepwise regression; regularized regression.
Cross-validation. Classification; linear discriminant analysis.
Tree-based methods. Time permitting, optional topics may include
nonparametric density estimation, multivariate regression, support
vector machines, and random forests.
Multivariable calculus (Math 233), linear or matrix algebra (Math 429
or Math 309), multivariable-calculus-based probability and mathematical
statistics (Math 493, Math 494) and linear models (Math 439). Prior
knowledge of R at the level introduced in Math 439 is assumed.
Textbook: An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R, by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani.
This textbook is required for many of the topics in the course. For
some additional material in the course, the lectures are the primary
reference, but freely-available references may also be suggested
through Blackboard.
There will be homework assignments which will consist of mathematical statistics exercises and also R-based exercises.
During the semester, homework assignments, homework and midterm exam
grades and any other course-related announcements will be posted to
Blackboard or sent by email using Blackboard.
Attendance is required for all lectures. The student who misses a
lecture is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements
Grades: The grade for the course will be based on Homework (20%), Exam I (20%), Exam 2 (20%) and the Final Exam (40%).
Final Course Grade: The letter grades for the course will be determined
according to the following numerical grades on a 0-100 scale.
impress me
[87, 90)
[77, 80)
[67, 70)
[83, 87)
[73, 77)
[63, 67)
[90, 93)
[80, 83)
[70, 73)
[60, 63)
Course Policies: Students are encouraged to look at the Faculty
of Arts & Sciences
- Academic integrity:
are expected to adhere to the University's policy
on academic
- Auditing: There is an
option to audit, but this
still involves enrolling in the course. See the Faculty of Arts &
Sciences policy
on auditing.
Auditing students will still be expected to attend all
lectures and compete all required coursework and exams. A course grade
of 75 is required for a successful audit.
- Collaboration: Students
are encouraged to discuss homework with one another, but each student
must submit separate solutions, and these must be the original work of
the student.
- Exam conflicts: Read the
University policy.
The exam dates for this course are posted before the semester begins,
and thus you are expected to be present at all exams.
- Late homework: Only by
prior arrangement. If a valid reason for an exception is not presented
at least 36
hours before a homework due date, then it will not be accepted late (a
zero will be given for that assignment).
- Missed exams: There are
no make-up exams. For valid excused absences with midterm exams - such
as medical, family, transportation and weather-related
emergencies - the contribution of that midterm to the final course
grade will be redistributed equally to the other midterm exam and final
exam. Students missing both midterm exams and/or the final exam cannot
earn a passing grade for the course.