A+ |
[98, 100] |
B+ |
[87, 90) |
C+ |
[77, 80) |
D+ |
[67, 70) |
F |
[0,60) |
A |
[93, 98) |
B |
[83, 87) |
C |
[73, 77) |
D |
[63, 67) |
A- |
[90, 93) |
B- |
[80, 83) |
C- |
[70, 73) |
D- |
[60, 63) |
Week 1 01/18-01/22 |
Theme: What is Bayesian Inference? Principles and Examples of Bayesian Methods; Review of MLE; Bayesian estimation for scalar parameter models R examples: binomial and exponential with conjugate priors |
Week 2 01/25-01/29 |
Theme: What is Bayesian inference? MLE and Bayesian estimation for vector-parameter models; likelihood inference; marginal posterior; interval estimates: credible sets |
Week 3 02/01-02/05 |
Theme: Why Bayesian inference? Philosophy of science; falsifiability; inductive reasoning; interpretations of probability; current controversies (Ioannidis on why most published research findings are false, the backlash against null-hypothesis significance testing) Decision theory; components of statistical decision problems; risk; loss functions; criteria for optimal decision rules; admissibility, minimaxity, unbiasedness, Bayes risk |
Week 4 02/08-02/12 |
Theme: Why Bayesian inference? Deriving Bayes rules from principles of decision theory; Bayes and admissibility/minimaxity; least favorable priors; HPD intervals; Stein's paradox; James-Stein estimation; empirical Bayes interpretation |
Week 5 02/15-02/19 |
Theme: Specifying the prior. Conjugacy; objective Bayes; empirical Bayes; invariance and Jeffreys prior; Kullback-Leibler divergence and the reference prior; probability matching priors; background on Fisher information, orthogonality, prior and posterior independence, exchangeability |
Week 6 02/22-02/26 |
Theme: Asymptotic Analysis Review of deterministic concepts; stochastic convergence; stochastic orders of magnitude; Khintchine's WLLN and Kolmogorov's SLLN; classical CLT; continuous mapping, Levy continuity theorems; uniform convergence; Polya's theorem; Berry-Esseen theorem; Scheffe's lemma Midterm Exam 1 |
Week 7 02/29-03/04 |
Theme: Large Sample Properties for Parametric Bayes Review of likelihood asymptotics; multivariate normal distribution; posterior consistency; Bernstein-von Mises theorem; sufficiency, conditionality and likelihood principles |
Week 8 03/07-03/11 |
Theme: Motivations & Tools for Approximate Bayesian Inference Liouville's theorem with bits of complex analysis (holomorphic, meromorphic functions, special functions); Risch algorithm; Monte Carlo methods; random number generation; importance/rejection sampling |
Week 9 03/14-03/18 |
Spring Break |
Week 10 03/21-03/25 |
Theme: Computation Gibbs sampling, Metropolis-Hastings; reversible jump; convergence diagnostics |
Week 11 03/28-04/01 |
Theme: Linear regression. Prior specification, estimation, inference, model diagnostics and model comparison |
Week 12 04/04-04/08 |
Theme: Model Comparison and Hypothesis Testing Bayes factors; Laplace approximation; MCMC estimation of marginal likelihood; relationship to classical approaches Midterm Exam 2 |
Week 13 04/11-04/15 |
Theme: Generalized linear models. Review of posterior predictive distributions; generalized linear models; Bayesian binomial and Poisson regression in rstan |
Week 14 04/18-04/22 |
Theme: Hierarchical linear models. Hierarchical linear models; empirical Bayes connections; random and mixed effects models |
Week 15 04/25-04/29 |
Theme: Bayesian nonparametric models. Concepts; prior specification; Dirichlet process; stick-breaking representation |
Reading Period 05/02-05/04 |
Office Hours by appointment. |
Final Exam |
See Piazza for details. |