In addition
to the WW assignments, there are also homework assignments that require
written solutions to problems assigned from the textbook.
Be sure you are getting the assigned problems out of the current edition (4th) of the textbook; the problems are often different in earlier editions.
- The
assigned problems will be posted on the main page of the syllabus week by week.
Sometimes I keep adding to an assignment as the lectures continue, but
the complete list of problems due on Friday will always be
available, at latest, by 5.p.m on Tuesday of that week. Check the syllabus after 5 p.m. Tuesday to be sure you have the complete Friday assignment.
- Solutions are due in class on Fridays.
If you can't be there, then either send your homework with a trusted
friend, or slip it under my office door sometime before class--even the
day before. Late homeworks will not be accepted unless
there is a legitimate special reason
such as illness; missing homework scores count as "0's"
- The first homework set HW1 will be due in class on Friday, September 7)
Course assistants will grade some (not all) of the
solutions you hand in; I will choose the problems to be graded after your solutions are handed in. Of course, you need to hand in solutions for all
the assigned problems because you don't know which ones will be
selected. The reason for this process (and for having WebWorK) is that regular graded homework is important and the size of the section makes
it very hard to grade all the problems carefully and get them returned
to you in a reasonable time.
It is a good idea to keep your graded homework papers
together in a folder after they are returned. Of course, they could be
useful for future review and studying, but also they are the only
existing record of your work --for example, if a question about
a "missing homework score" comes up later.
The graders will post each homework score in the Grading Center in Blackboard when they are finished. Normally
the score should appear around the time that you hand in the next
homework assignment, but some graders will be a little faster with this
than others. So don't worry immediately if grades for a certain
homework appear a little earlier for some students than others.
are some rules and suggestions about handing in the homework,
They will make your solutions easier to find and read and will
make the graders much happier. - Always
include enough detail in every homework solution so the reader can
understand how you got your answer. Just writing down an answer
may not receive credit; it is not the grader's job to try to reconstruct how you got the answer.
- Solutions for each problem should be written up very
clearly and legibly. For the sake of the grader, be sure your writing is
dark enough to be read easily.
Write your homework solutions on 8.5 x 11 paper
with "smooth edges"; if you tear your solutions out of a spiral notebook, remove the torn ragged edge. Please
staple the pages together in correct order. Be sure your name is
on each sheet in case pages become separated.
- Homework and Academic Integrity: Talking with
students about homework
problems is a good way to
learn and I encourage it. BUT each student must write up his or her own
Therefore, no solutions from two students
should look too much alike. After all, everybody says things in a
unique way, makes up notation as needed, etc.
Suggestion: a good
way to help each other learn and to avoid "copying" even inadvertently from another student is to
talk about problems together without taking any notes away from
the conversation. This lets you share your understanding and ideas,
but then forces you to reconstruct your own understanding on paper. In case of any doubts, ask me.
A goal in most upper level math courses is to develop clear writing and
arguments, so
- Solve
the problems first on scratchpaper; then use the scratchwork to write your
hand-in solution. The reader should feel like s/he is reading a coherent solution, not a bunch of scratchwork from which somebody, with some effort, could write a nice solution; that's not the reader's job.
- Decide
how much detail, calculation, proof, ... to include in your
solution by imagining that it's going to be read by another typical
student in this class. The reader should not have to
fill in large gaps that you leave in the work.
- Check your mathematical writing style
by reading aloud the words and symbols you have written, exactly
as they appear on the page. What you hear should be smooth-sounding English -- or else
something is missing on paper!
- If necessary, rewrite the solution until you think it says what you want to say in a way that's clear and easy to read.
- Remember that
"What is
written without effort is in general read without pleasure" Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Do you really want an unhappy and irritated reader evaluating your work?