Grades Your scores for WebWorK, written homework, and exams will be used to determine your grade for the course. WWSCORE
= WebWork
10 % (two lowest WebWorK scores (as %)
are dropped) HWSCORE = Handgraded Homework Score: 20 % (two lowest HW scores (as %) are dropped) E1 = Exam 1 Score: 20 % E2 = Exam 2 Score: 20 % F = Final Exam Score: 30 % ( If F is larger than E1 or E2, then F will replace the smaller of E1 and E2. But this only applies if you have actually taken both E1 and E1 -- you can't just choose to skip an exam, get a 0 and then let the final replace the 0.) Your letter grade for the course will be based on your Total Score T: T = 0.10 * WWSCORE + 0.20 * HWSCORE + 0.20 * E1 + 0.20 * E2 + 0.30 * F I
won't create a scale for converting T into a letter grade until the
end of the course. However, the following "floors" are guaranteed: 90-100
(possibly +/-)
80-89 B (possibly +/-) 65-79 C (possibly +/-) 50-64
D < 50 F It is possible that the final grading scale will be a little more generous, but maybe not. If you are registered for the pass/fail grading option, then your T score will need to be at the level of C- or better to earn a "pass." |