Exams: General Information & Schedule This link takes you to some author-provided review sheets and practice exams. They can be good for practice and to see what the author considers important. However, for the exams, be sure to take note of sections each one covers. Our exams will cover similar material on those topics, but the style of questions may be different. There will be
two in-semester evening exams
(E1 and E2) in
class during the semester, and a final exam. These are scheduled for E1 Wednesday, October 10, 7-9 p.m., and Please check the exam schedule and out it on your calendar now so you can makes plans to avoid conflicts. The
exam schedule was included in the course description in WebStac and in the
printed Course Listings book, so these dates and times should be no surprise for your scheduling.E2 Wednesday, November 7, 7-9 p.m. Final Exam: The date and time set by the College is Tuesday, December 18, 3:30-5:30 p.m. In particular: if others (such as a parent) are involved with making your travel reservations (for Thanksgiving or Winter Break), be sure that they know your exam schedule. For example, having a plane reservation that conflicts with the final exam schedule is not an acceptable reason to miss or reschedule the final. The in-semester exams were scheduled in the evening since it seems fairer for both sections to take the same exam. Academic
Integrity This link gives the general University policies on academic integrity. Please also see the
comments about homework collaboration (above). |