Resources for Help with Math 132, Spring 2017

I assume that you're regularly attending lectures and discussion sections, and working hard at the homework exercises.  Nothing here is intended as a substitute for that.

Other resources:

  • Instructor's office hours, listed on the main page of the syllabus. If all those hours are impossible for you, contact your TA or instructor about the possibility of making an appointment.
  • TAs staff a Calculus Help Room is staffed for several hours on weekdays. This includes "office hours" by your TA.  You can visit at any of the TA's at their scheduled times, but those TA's working with Math 132 may be a little more "up" on what's happening in Calculus I at the moment. 
  • Calculus PLTL Groups  ("Peer Led Team Learning"): these groups are an optional, semester-long commitment that you need to sign up for immediately at the start of this course. The application form is open from 5:00 pm CST on Monday, January 16 until 1:00 pm Friday, January 20. Students who apply during this period are guaranteed placement into a PLTL group.
  • Worksheets that are being used in the PLTL Groups are also available online if others not in PLTL want to use them for practice. 
  • Keep an eye on Cornerstone Events that might be relevant, including Mentoring Sessions.
  • Engineering Student Services coordinates free tutoring for the math, chemistry and physics courses required for an Engineering degree. Engineering undergraduate students may receive up to four hours per week of free one-on-one tutoring for each course.
    Request a tutor
    For questions, email Chris Ramsay:
  • Other help is also available through Cornerstone: a walk in help desk including Residential Peer Mentors (RPM's) at scheduled times in dorm areas. h Help Desk.  In addition, Residential Peer Mentors (RPM's) are available at scheduled times in dorm areas.  Check the details at the Academic Programs and other links available at the Cornerstone web page.
  • Old Exams Online are available for review and study. Each instructor may have his/her own style of exams.  The timing of the exam in past semesters (and, possibly, a different textbook) may mean that the material is not a perfect match to the material on the courseponding exam this semester. Generally speaking, I suggest using the exams from Fall 2016 for practice.  Links to these exams are posted on the Exams page of this syllabus.
  • If you have any need for special accommodations due a disability, you should contact the Disability Resource Center at Cornerstone (935-5970).