Deptartment of MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics
Math 131, Calculus I
Syllabus, Fall 2016

Welcome to Math 131, Calculus I

Instructor  Prof. Ron Freiwald  (314-935-6737)  For emails, please include "MATH 131" in the subject line to reduce the chance that the message gets lost in a spam filter.  If you email me about a WeBWorK problem (see below), please use the "message to instructor" option from inside your WebWorK problem so that I can move immediately from your message to your particular problem in WebWorK. 

Cupples I, Room 201 Office Hours  
Monday 3:30-4:30, Tuesday 1:30-3, Thursday 9:30-11 on days when University classes are in session. Please feel free to stop by with questions.  Occasionally I may need to change these times to accommodate unexpected events, but I will try to notify you in advance and  keep changes to a minimum. You are also also welcome to stop by at other times when I'm in my office and the light is on. If it's not a good time for me, then we can probably schedule an meeting at a time that works for both of us.

TA Office Hours  You can go to any of these "help" hours that fit you schedule, but the TA's working ith Math 131 may be a little more "up" on what's happening in Calculus I. 

Please read

Important Links for Immediate Attention
After the first week or two, some of this information which needs attention now will be repositioned into the table below.  It's positioned "up front" now for the beginning of the course.

Additional Links and Course Bulletin Board    
Academic Integrity
College Calendar/Deadlines for Fall 2016
What is Calculus About?
Suggestions about Recommended Daily Homework
Resources for Help
Anonymous Feedback to your TA

Calculators in Math 131
Exams (in-semester and final) 
Old Exams Online
Grading for the Course

End of Semester: Online Course Evaluations

Taking Calculus Elsewhere in Summer School

What Could I Do If I Majored in Math?
Math Undergraduate Page: Information About Math Majors and Minors
Web Pages for Math Students

A Math History Site
                                                 Math 131 Bulletin Board

                               Final Exam Information (emailed to all)
Final exam is Thursday AFTERNOON, December 15, 3:30-5:30 p.m. 

1.     1. Exam 4 (Final Exam) is on Thursday AFTERNOON, December 15, 3:30-5:30 p.m.  As always, be sure to look up the room for your exam.   It is possible that your room assignment is different from the assignments for Exam 1-3.  Use on the day of the exam.  As usual, see  for general for general  information about exams.

2.    2. As always, you can have ONE 3 x 5 notecard with any formulas or notes you want to have available.  No other notes, books, calculators, electronic devices, …

3.    3. As mentioned on the exams page, the final exam does not have a hand graded section because the College wants final grades rather quickly (and there’s a lot of spreadsheet work to do after the final exam scores are completed).  The final will consist of 18 multiple choice questions (5 points each) and 10 true/false questions (1 point each).

4.     4. Al the material we covered (lectures, handouts, textbook reading) could appear on the exam, but there is more emphasis on materials from Chapters 4-5.  Of course, many questions involve tools from several different parts of the course, so it’s not always easy to pinpoint “what section of the course a question is from.”  However, I think a fair estimate is that about 75% of the points on the exam are for Chapter 4-5 material.

5.     5.The TAs and I will offer four 1-hour Q&A sessions.  To provide some focus, each session will deal with questions related to only one Chapter:

Chapter 2             Saturday 12/10                  Wei Wang
Louderman Hall, room 458, 3-4 p.m.

Chapter 3             Sunday 12/11                     Cody Stockdale
Hillman Hall, room 60, 1-2 p.m.

Chapter 4             Monday 12/12                   Gong Cheng      
Hillman Hall, room 60, 1-2 p.m.  

Chapter 5             Tuesday 12/13                   Ron Freiwald     
Hillman Hall, room 60, 1-2 p.m.

Of course, these sessions are optional and you can attend just some of them, as needed. Sessions like these may be helpful for some students. The more prepared you are with specific questions the better.

Thank your TAs: these sessions are offered by the TA’s above and beyond their assigned duties at a time when some of them are also preparing for exams.

6,  The final exam in the Old Exam Archive for Math 131, Fall 2010 is an appropriate review exam.  All questions are suitable for our final exam EXCEPT Question 7 on the FL 2010 final exam.  Although that exam did allow scientific calculators, ours does not.

7. Students withaccommodations from the DRC should work out the exam scheduling/location directly with the DRc.

  8. Here are links to Exams 1-3 (without solutions).  Solutions were posted in the     Daily Assignments Page for the week of each exam.