1. A curvature characterization of certain locally rank-one symmetric spaces, Journal of Differential Geometry 28(1988), 187-202. pdf file

2. Rigidity of pseudo-holomorphic curves of constant curvature in Grassmann manifolds, The Transactions of the A.M.S. 313(1989), 393-406, joint with Yunbo Zheng. pdf file

3. Rigidity of superminimal immersions of compact Riemann surfaces into CP^2, Tohoku Mathematics Journal 42(1990),  439-455. pdf file

4. Curvature characterization and classification of rank-one symmetric spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 150(1991), 31-42. pdf file

5. Quaternionic Kaehler manifolds and a curvature characterization of two-point homogeneous spaces, Illinois Journal of Mathematics 35(1991), 408-418. pdf file

6. Twistor theory and Blaschke manifolds, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 9(1991), 197-204.

7. Besicovitch covering lemma, Hadamard manifolds, and zero entropy, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1(1991), 373-382.

8. Rigidity of superminimal surfaces in complex projective spaces, Tohoku Mathematics Journal 44(1992), 83-101, joint with Xiaokang Mo. pdf file

9. Isoparametric functions and flat minimal tori in CP^2, Proceedings of the A.M.S. 123(1995), 2849-2854, joint with Gary Jensen and Ruijia Liao. pdf file

10. The moduli space of branched superminimal surfaces of a fixed degree, genus and conformal structure in the four-sphere, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 33(1996), 669-696, joint with Xiaokang Mo. pdf file

11. On the existence of infinite series of exotic holonomies, Inventiones Mathematicae 126(1996), 391-411, joint with Segey Merkulov and Lorenz Schwachhoefer. pdf file

12. Exotic holonomies E_7^(a), International Journal of Mathematics 8(1997), 583-594, joint with Segey Merkulov and Lorenz Schwachhoefer. pdf file

13. Exotic holonomy on moduli spaces of rational curves, Differential Geometry and Its Applications 8(1998), 105-134, joint with Lorenz Schwachhoefer. pdf file

14. Symplectic connections and exotic holonomy, International Journal of Mathematics 9(1998), 47-61. pdf file

15. Degenerate torsion-free G_3 connections, International Journal of Mathematics 9(1998), 945-955. pdf file

16. Normalized potentials of minimal surfaces in spheres, Nagoya Mathematics Journal 156(1999), 187-214, joint with Luis Fernandez and Hongyou Wu. pdf file

17. The dimension of the moduli space of superminimal surfaces of a fixed degree and conformal structure in the four-sphere, Tohoku Journal of Mathematics 52(2000), 299-308. pdf file

18. Degenerate torsion-free G_3 connections revisited, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 4(2002), 89-109.   pdf file

19. Torsion-free G_3 connections that are not analytic, Differential Geometry and Its Applications 21(2004), 253-281 *pdf file

20. Strong analytic controllability for hydrogen control systems, Proceedings of 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2004), 4812-4817, joint with Chunhua Lan, Tzyh-Jong Tarn and John Clark. pdf file

21. Analytic controllability of time-dependent quantum control systems, Journal of Mathematical  Physics 46(2005), 1-21, joint with Chunhua Lan, Tzyh-Jong Tarn and John Clark. pdf file

22. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, Annals of Mathematics 166(2007), 1-76, joint with Tom Cecil and Gary Jensen, . pdf file

23. Dupin hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, II, Geometriae Dedicata 128(2007), 55-95, joint with Tom Cecil and Gary Jensen. pdf file

24. Classification of Dupin hypersurfaces, in F. Dillen and I. Van de Woestyne, eds., Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2007, 48-56, joint with Tom Cecil and Gary Jensen. pdf file

25. Effects of dominance on the probability of fixation of a mutant allele, Journal of Mathematical Biology 56(2008), 413-434, joint with Christina Chen and Stanley Sawyer. pdf file

26. On Kuiper's question whether taut submanifolds are algebraic, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 234(2008), 229-247,  joint with Tom Cecil and Gary Jensen. pdf file

27. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures revisited, Nagoya Mathematical Journal 193(2009), 129-154. pdf file

28. Taut submanifolds are algebraic, preprint. pdf file

29. A note on the paper "Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures", Hongyou Wu Memorial Volume, Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, Issue 1-2, 2011, 127-134. pdf file

30. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, II, Nagoya Mathematical Journal 204(2011), 1-18. pdf file

31. A new look at Condition A, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 49(2012), 133-166. pdf file

32. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, III, Journal of Differential Geometry 94(2013), 469-504. pdf file

33. Ideal theory and classification of isoparametric hypersurfaces, Contemporary Mathematics volume 646(2015), 81-104, A. M. S. pdf file

34. Classification of isoparametric hypersurfaces, Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Advanced Lectures in Mathematics 36, 437-451, 2017.  pdf file 

35. Orthogonal multiplications of type [3, 4, p], p \leq 12, joint with Haiyang Wang, Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie/Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 59(2018), 167-197. pdf file

36. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, IV, Journal of Differential Geometry 115(2020), 225-301. pdf file

37. The isoparametric story, a heritage of E'lie Cartan, Proceedings of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians, 2018, 197-260, International Press, 2021. pdf file

38. Structure of minimal two-spheres of constant curvature in the complex hyperquadric, Advances in Mathematics 391 (2021), 107967.  pdf file

39. Fano 3-folds and classification of constantly curved holomorphic 2-spheres of degree 6 in the complex Grassmannian G(2,5), preprint.  pdf file.


(1) On Kuiper's conjecture pdf file

This is an expanded version of paper 26 above. More background details about real algebraic geometry, mean curvature normal, jets, and Alexander cohomology are given for more ease of reading.   

(2) The Isoparametric Story pdf file

These are the notes for the Mini Summer Course I gave at National Taiwan University, June 25-July 6, 2012.