Roya Beheshti Zavareh
E-mail: beheshti [at] math [dot] wustl [dot] edu
Office: Cupples I, 108B
Phone: (314) 935-6797
Fax: (314) 935-6839
I am a Professor of Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis. My research area is
algebraic geometry.
Curriculum Vitae
Algebraic & Arithmetic Geometry Seminar
Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS), November 4-5, 2023, Washington University
(co-organized with Matt Kerr and Wanlin Li)
Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic K-Theory, May 23-25, 2022, Washington University in St. Louis
(co-organized with Matt Kerr and John Shareshian)
I-70 Algebraic Geometry Symposium, November 2-3, 2019, Washington University in St. Louis
(co-organized with Matt Kerr and Mohan Kumar)
Editorial: I am on the editorial board of Communications in Algebra and Mathematische Zeitschrift .
Fall 2023:
     Math 5031: Graduate Algebra I
     Math 331: Algebraic Systems
Spring 2024:
     Math 5032: Graduate Algebra II